I've seen this thing a total of four times now. With the first couple of sightings, I felt an aversion to any notion of reporting this. Despite what I had witnessed, the experience still seemed like an absurdity. Now, after two more sightings, I've finally settled on the need to alert others in the UFO observing community. It resembles a white sheet of paper, standard letter size. On three occasions it has flown directly overhead, over the south side of our parking lot at work, tracking from west to east. On two of those occasions it has arced up into the sky shortly after passing over, and on a third occasion it just continued on a straight path to the east. With the first sighting, it paused in its trajectory and hovered directly overhead for a moment, as if it was observing me while I was looking up at it. On one other occasion, it appeared to be engaged in the sheer joy of being able to fly. It galloped upwards in spurts, rolled over into a dive, and then leveled off while flying in a westward direction. I didn't have time to continue watching its escapades on this occasion, as it was the end of the day at work and I had to go catch my bus.
http://ifttt.com/images/no image card.png
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