Friday, April 30, 2010

Area 51 Aliens
Prefecture 51 S4 UFO, Prefecture 51

It shows a considerable skywalk feat indirectly, all over Most important Lake. These graphics, satellite images and many other evidence circumstances the apparition of Prefecture 51 and show the dry Most important themselves Lake a short time ago north of the site. Most important Lake is a large finish military landing field.

Uniform gone straight published images, your U. S. government in simple terms indistinctly admits that the base exists. Many simulate the exhale Prefecture 51 acknowledged in the 1980s and 1990s obliged the us government to brew uncommon, glassy better-quality secret base in uncommon underground prepared.

You can find colonize who designation that the main plant of a few Air Oppression propulsion solutions, power-driven by 'anti-gravity reactors were aimed by breach of copyright crashed UFOs clandestine at Prefecture 51. They simulate whichever or the load of our current pompous aircraft technologies are usually derived from these experiments.

The syrupy divisions are intense as a group gone these envoy family lands in Nevada cover better-quality than 85-percent of the state. Deserted Alaska has a generously proportioned amount of land managed by the us government. Nevada Lapse Path 375 calisthenics uninterrupted unique high syrupy valleys in central Nevada despondent gone the town of Rachel is the in simple terms narrow despondent the way.

The thread to Rachel covers a deep rough country, gone Joshua trees and wipe clean, sagebrush and tumbleweeds in lots. Plunder land bordered a short time ago by sturdy mountains splashed gone bleak, tan and acquaintance. Horses guards and indications anxiety of cattle are time after time seen, as this is routinely unaffected grazing land, leased in the government.

Concerning UFO's and Extraterrestrials, a few region, "If the government doesn't pin down a scheme of aliens, along with why does Plaque 14, Arm 1211 in the Recipe of Central Boundaries, implemented on July 04, 1969, version it prohibited for U. S. citizens to pin down any contact gone extraterrestrial and their vehicles? "

Rachel and as well the Space Path are whichever natural world of two-hour drive from Sin city, an melodious day-trip from Sin city. Path, is to drive one of the most unoccupied stretches of pavement the united states.


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Ufo Sighting In Seattle Washington On May 6Th 2013 Heard Sonic Boom Then White Fireball Passes Over Leaving Trail
My boyfriend and I are both night-owls. We stepped out onto our East facing front steps to smoke, and I, incidentally, had my Macaw parrot on my shoulder. I was facing East, when we both heard a very loud ground shaking boom. As we both looked in the direction of the boom, (East) there was another lesser boom. They were milliseconds apart, but the second was quieter, kind of like a Boom, boom! Simultaneously a bright white fireball zoomed all the way from the eastern horizon, flew overhead, and disappeared over our house top going West, leaving a whitish trail which momentarily was visible from beginning to end, or, horizon to horizon. The space of time from hearing the booms, to the fireball passing over our heads was about 2.5 seconds. It was spectacular. I would compare the intesity of the first boom, which was the louder of the two, to being within 4 or 5 blocks of a large professional grade firework going off. BaBOOOM! My bird's normal reaction to something frightening is not to fly away, but to dig in with his claws, hunker down, and try to climb under any nook or craw in my clothing, which he did. I did have to immediately reaasure him, as he sensed my excitement and uncertainty of what had just transpired. This ranks way up there, with me, as in the top ten of very unusual or spectacular sitings I have ever had in my 60 years of life. One thing that distinguished this from any other fireball type sighting I have ever had, was that it was pure white, and I thought I caught a glimpse of orange. Other firealls were blue, bluegreen and green with flashes of orange, yellow or white coming off them. Only shooting stars which were much smaller have ever appeared all white, or blue-white. This was so close (or low) as to cause a sonic boom. After starting this report, I also made a non-emergency call to 911, both to report, and to find out if anyone else had reported the boom or the sighting.

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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Direto Da Redao Edio Da Tarde
AS PROVAS DA EXIST^eNCIA DE EXTRATERRESTRES A FLOR DA VIDA"'E comum no cotidiano ouvimos pessoas falando de maneira duvidosa sobre a exist^encia de extraterrestres. A maioria n~ao sabe se "acredita" ou duvida. Acreditar sem provas, realmente 'e um problema e 'e nisso que as religi~oes se baseiam. Mas tratando-se de Ufologia h'a pouco do que duvidar.O Astonish Jut, que tem como presidente o Dr. Steve M. Greer, assunto recente aqui do blog, lancou um document'ario que se pode considerar, no m'inimo, arrebatador. Fastwalkers re'une depoimentos de ex-profissionais da NASA, ex-membros do governo, militares, testemunhas e pesquisadores de Ufologia de todo o mundo, e ainda exibe imagens de arquivos reais. O document'ario, incontest'avel pela qualidade e credibilidade dos envolvidos, foi ganhador de pr^emios nos EUA e em v'arios outros pa'ises.UFOs sobre a Casa Branca em 1952(Motion picture aqui)Os depoentes especulam sobre o motivo do controle rigoroso dessas informac~oes por parte do governo americano, que por consequ^encia inibe a abertura de arquivos ufol'ogicos de outras nac~oes, visto que os EUA dominam a economia mundial e os demais pa'ises, dependentes que s~ao, alinham-se `as suas ordens pol'iticas.Ao assistir o document'ario voc^e vai saber como 'e feito o controle rigoroso da m'idia internacional pela fashionable. Como eles fazem para que as testemunhas de experi^encias com ufos sejam desacreditadas e o tema ridicularizado no mundo. Vai entender o quanto o assunto 'e vasto e como a queda das cortinas escuras que nublam nossa vis~ao mudar'a o jeito-de-ser humano nos pr'oximos anos.Por que querem que continuemos com essa incerteza? Por que n~ao podemos saber da verdade?""- O Fator Qu^antico "Abaixo todos os videos do document'ario Fastwalkers e aqui a lista de reproduc~ao.Fastwalkers: A prova de que eles est~ao entre n'os.PARTE 1PARTE 2PARTE 3PARTE 4PARTE 5PARTE 6PARTE 7EP'iSODIO: TECNOLOGIA ALIEN'iGENA [DUBLADO]PARTE 1 PARTE 2PARTE 3ESTUDO AFIRMA QUE EXISTEM 4,5 BILH~oES DE TERRAS ALIEN'iGENAS NA VIA L'aCTEA Cerca de 4,5 bilh~oes de planetas como a Terra residem na Via L'actea, ap'os um novo estudo que concluiu que 6% das an~as vermelhas - estrelas menores e menos brilhantes que o Sol - abrigam um planeta habit'avel do tamanho do nosso. O estudo adiciona que muitos desses planetas podem estar mais pr'oximos do que imaginamos, a apenas 13 anos-luz de dist^ancia. "N'os pens'avamos que ter'iamos de procurar em grandes dist^ancias um planeta como a Terra", disse o autor do estudo Courtney Binding, do Harvard-Smithsonian Central for Astrophysics (CFA). "Agora percebemos que uma Terra alien'igena est'a em nossa vizinhanca c'osmica esperando para ser descoberta."Binding e sua equipe analisaram dados recolhidos pelo telesc'opio espacial Kepler, da NASA, que est'a observando continuamente mais de 150 mil estrelas. O instrumento v^e planetas alien'igenas atrav'es de reduc~oes no brilho de suas estrelas causados pelo tr^ansito planet'ario. S~ao necess'arios 3 tr^ansitos para o Kepler detectar um poss'ivel planeta alien'igena.O Kepler j'a detectou 2740 candidatos a exoplanetas desde o seu lancamento, em marco de 2009. Apenas 105 desses planetas foram confirmados at'e agora, mas os cientistas estimam que 90% dos candidatos sejam de fato planetas."Cat'alogo de planetas potencialmente habit'aveis" No novo estudo, a equipe de Binding reanalisou as an~as vermelhas vistas pelo Kepler e descobriu que quase todas s~ao menores e mais frias do que se pensava anteriormente. Isso traz s'erios impactos na procura por uma Terra alien'igena, j'a que 75% das estrelas de nossa gal'axia s~ao an~as vermelhas. O tamanho e brilho de uma estrela influencia fortemente a sua zona habit'avel, regi~ao que permite a exist^encia de 'agua em estado l'iquido na superf'icie de um planeta.Com esses novos dados, a equipe calculou que existem aproximadamente 4,5 bilh~oes de mundos potencialmente habit'aveis somente na nossa gal'axia, a Via L'actea.[Leave, FoxNews]Deep-rooted ALIENS - ALIENS E A CRIAc~aO DO HOMEM OS ASTRONAUTAS DOS EUA E OS OVNIS UFOS - Social establishment VOADORESDESDE O IN'iCIO DA HIST'oRIA, UM DOS MAIORES DESEJOS DO HOMEM 'e VOAR. A FAcANHA DOS IRM~aOS WRIGHT DEMONSTROU QUE ESSE SONHO PODERIA SAIR DO REINO DA FANTASIA. MAS, COM RELAc~aO AO VOO PARA FORA DO PLANETA, NO PER'iODO QUE VAI DO S'eCULO 19 `a SEGUNDA GUERRA MUNDIAL, QUATRO PIONEIROS S~aO LEMBRADOS COMO OS PAIS DA ASTRON'aUTICA: KOSTANTIN TSIOLKOVSKY (NA R'uSSIA), ROBERT GODDARD (NOS EUA), ROBERT ESNEAULT-PELTERIE (NA FRANcA) E HERMANN OBERTH (NA ALEMANHA).A CONQUISTA DO ESPAcO FOI Location PELO MUNDO COMO UMA F'aBULA DE Fundamental QUASE SEMPRE FELIZ E DA QUAL CONHECEM-SE A HIST'oRIA E OS MOTIVOS. NA VERDADE, ELA ENVOLVE TAMB'eM EVENTOS JAMAIS DIVULGADOS, REVELADOS PELAS INVESTIGAc~oES DE CORAJOSOS PESQUISADORES, ENTRE OS QUAIS Unaffected EDWARDS, QUE SE MATOU MISTERIOSAMENTE AP'oS TER OUSADO VIOLAR TAIS SEGREDOS. O AVANcO DA ASTRON'aUTICA TEVE, AO CONTR'aRIO DO QUE SE DIZ, AL'eM DOS MOTIVOS CIENT'iFICOS E DE PREST'iGIO INTERNACIONAL, O DE UMA REALIDADE DA QUAL POUCOS CONHECIAM A DIMENS~aO: A PRESENcA DE CIVILIZAc~oES EXTRATERRESTRES NO NOSSO C'eU. POR ISSO, SE, POR UM LADO, AS AG^eNCIAS ESPACIAIS FINGIRAM TRANSPAR^eNCIA PERANTE A OPINI~aO P'uBLICA, POR OUTRO, ASPECTOS IMPORTANTES DO AVANcO DA ASTRON'aUTICA - E OS VERDADEIROS MOTIVOS QUE LEVARAM A ESSE AVANcO - ERAM ESCONDIDOS COM CUIDADO, ENQUANTO FATOS ERAM DISTORCIDOS E CERCADOS DE MENTIRAS. DESDE OS PRIMEIROS PASSOS DA CORRIDA ESPACIAL A ATIVIDADE DESSES SERES FICOU EVIDENTE, MAS OS ASTRONAUTAS SEMPRE FORAM OBRIGADOS A MANTER O SIL^eNCIO. SOMENTE POUCOS, ENTRE OS QUAIS GORDON COOPER E EDGAR MITCHELL, TIVERAM A CORAGEM DE TRANSGREDIR EM PARTE A PROIBIc~aO, E SUAS DECLARAc~oES NOS FAZEM INTUIR O QUE REALMENTE SABEM. MAS N~aO 'e SOMENTE O TESTEMUNHO DESSES PROFISSIONAIS QUE CONFIRMA A VERACIDADE DO QUE AFIRMAMOS AT'e AGORA. EXISTE CERTO N'uMERO DE FOTOS E FILMES (CERTAMENTE UMA PEQUENA PARTE DO QUE T^eM AS AG^eNCIAS ESPACIAIS) QUE PROVAM A PRESENcA DE NAVES EXTRATERRESTRES NO ESPAcO PR'oXIMO DO NOSSO PLANETA. FINALMENTE, TAMB'eM 'e IMPORTANTE CITAR NESSE CAMPO A DIVULGAc~aO PIONEIRA DE CONTATISTAS COMO GEORGE ADAMSKY E EUGENIO SIRAGUSA. ELES ANUNCIAVAM, DESDE O IN'iCIO DA CORRIDA DO HOMEM AO ESPAcO, QUE EM MARTE HAVIA UMA CIVILIZAc~aO FLORESCENTE (HOJE SITUADA EM PLANOS DIMENSIONAIS INVIS'iVEIS), E QUE NA LUA HAVIA 'aGUA EM GRANDES QUANTIDADES E NUMEROSAS BASES DE CIVILIZAc~oES EXTRATERRESTRES. E OS ASTRONAUTAS SABIAM, MAS N~aO PODIAM FALAR. POR ESSAS DECLARAc~oES, O P'uBLICO OS VIU COMO LOUCOS VISION'aRIOS. Hoje, pelos documentos revelados que veremos, descobriremos que eles tinham raz~ao e diziam a verdade, embora ela incomodasse o poder. Veremos as fotos e filmes feitos pelos astronautas e ouviremos o testemunho daqueles que, em pessoa, viajaram pelo espaco e viveram essa extraordin'aria experi^encia. Veremos como de fato a humanidade foi enganada sobre o que realmente aconteceu - e que ela n~ao estava s'o durante sua aventura mais fascinante. TERAPIA DO RISO - OSVALDO MURAHARAPROF. OSVALDO MURAHARA, PSIC'oLOGO, EMPRES'aRIO, PRELETOR EM FUNc~aO ESPECIAL, PRESIDENTE NACIONAL DA ASSOCIAc~aO DA PROSPERIDADE DA SEICHO-NO-IE DO BRASIL. ELE ENSINA E FALA SOBRE OS BENEFICIOS DA TERAPIA DO RISO, ENSINA A FAZER O TREINO DO RISO, A RISOTERAPIA. AS 10 COMPETIc~oES ESPORTIVAS MAIS RID'iCULAS DO MUNDO Alguns s~ao at'e perigosos, outros inofensivamente rid'iculos, mas todos esses esportes estranhos t^em uma coisa em comum: nenhuma raz~ao de ser. Por isso, devem ser vistos como resultado da uni~ao de mentes criativas e (muito) ociosas.10. Tosquia de OvinosO que 'e: Simplesmente, o corte do pelo de ovelhas. Com uma tesoura pr'opria, cada competidor deve tosquiar sua ovelha. E quem concluir a prova em menos velocity 'e o vencedor. Os maiores especialistas da decoration s~ao os neozelandeses - nacionalidade do recordista mundial, que concluiu a tarefa em apenas 20 segundos.Onde 'e praticado: O campeonato mundial 'e realizado em v'arios pa'ises, a cada dois ou tr^es anos, mas tamb'em h'a competic~oes regionais, full up no Brasil. 9. Corda-BambaO que 'e: Aquele tradicional n'umero de circo, mas cruzando um rio. Percorrer a dist^ancia estabelecida (cerca de um quil^ometro), de uma ponta a outra do rio, sobre uma corda-bamba. Cada competidor carrega uma vara consigo, para manter o equil'ibrio. Ganha quem for mais r'apido.Onde 'e praticado: Na Coreia do Sul, em outubro. 8. Regata de Lata de Cerveja O que 'e: Uma regata com barcos feitos a partir de latas de cerveja ou refrigerante. Cada competidor constr'oi sua embarcac~ao, mas 'e proibido test'a-la antes da prova para n~ao acabar com uma das principais (ou a maior) graca: ver muitas delas afundando ainda na largada. Se conseguir navegar, cada barco deve ter no m'inimo dois tripulantes. O pr^emio a quem cruzar a linha de chegada 'e em dinheiro.Onde 'e praticado: Na Gr~a-Bretanha e na Austr'alia, geralmente em um domingo de julho. 7. Pedra-Papel-TesouraO que 'e: Brincadeira de crianca que ganhou ar profissional, com as mesmas regras do jogo infantil. Dois jogadores esticam a m~ao ao mesmo velocity na forma de um dos s'imbolos - pedra quebra tesoura, que corta o papel, que enrola a pedra. Mas na competic~ao oficial, h'a um juiz e grandes pr^emios em dinheiro ao vencedor.Onde 'e praticado: A disputa mundial ocorre no Canad'a, em outubro. 6. Mergulhando no P^antano O que 'e: Como o pr'oprio nome diz, 'e uma competic~ao de mergulho em uma esp'ecie de brejo (raso e fedido mesmo). O objetivo 'e concluir o percurso de ida e volta, que tem pouco mais de 50 metros, em menos velocity. O uso de equipamento pr'oprio (snorkel e p'e de pato) 'e obrigat'orio - para dificultar, claro - mas a roupa de mergulho 'e opcional.Onde 'e praticado: Na Gr~a-Bretanha, onde foi criado, em agosto, mas tamb'em na Austr'alia e Irlanda. 5. Chutando CanelasO que 'e: Uma luta cuja 'unica protec~ao 'e um monte de feno - que os competidores colocam dentro das calcas para proteger o alvo do oponente: sua canela. Por isso, o uso de calcas 'e obrigat'orio - e inteligente (se 'e que a palavra cabe). A 'unica regra 'e que os chutes s~ao restritos a essa parte do corpo. Vence quem derrubar o advers'ario no ch~ao.Onde 'e praticado: 'E tradic~ao na Inglaterra, entre maio e junho, mas americanos tamb'em praticam. 4. BuzkasO que 'e: N~ao tem traduc~ao, mas em portugu^es seria algo como "agarramento de cabra". A carcaca do pure (sem a cabeca) 'e jogada no campo e os competidores (s'o homens podem praticar) devem correr em seus cavalos para agarr'a-la e colocar-se a barrage ou jog'a-la em um espaco determinado, dependendo da variac~ao. Todos usam chicotes para se defender e agredir os advers'arios.Onde 'e praticado: 'E muito comum na 'Asia Prime, e mais tradicional no Afeganist~ao, onde a disputa ocorre `as sextas-feiras e pode durar dias. 3. Boxe Xadrez O que 'e: Uma competic~ao de agilidade mental e forca (n~ao necessariamente nesta ordem). O duelo comeca com uma partida de quatro minutos de xadrez, seguida de um round de boxe que dura tr^es minutos. E vai se intercalando at'e um m'aximo de onze rodadas (seis de xadrez e cinco de luta). A decis~ao acontece tanto por nocaute quanto por xeque-mate - o que vier primeiro, obviamente - ou por pontos, de acordo com a decis~ao dos ju'izes.Onde 'e praticado: O quiet muda a cada campeonato mundial, realizado em julho.2. CARREGAMENTO DE MULHERES O que 'e: Uma corrida de obst'aculos, sempre com a mulher (que pode ser a esposa, namorada ou uma amiga) a tiracolo. Os homens devem concluir todo o percurso no menor velocity poss'ivel, sem deixar que ela caia. A 'unica func~ao delas 'e se manter na posic~ao correta: de cabeca para baixo e com as pernas entrelacadas no pescoco dele.Onde 'e praticado: Na Finl^andia, onde comecou, e em v'arias outras partes do mundo, incluindo EUA e China. 1. Corrida do Queijo O que 'e: Uma corrida morro abaixo, onde o importante 'e chegar primeiro - mesmo que seja rolando. O queijo 'e jogado de cima de uma colina, e os competidores seguem correndo (e caindo) atr'as. Quem chega primeiro ganha... o queijo! A ideia idiosyncratic era que eles pegassem o queijo, mas como o terreno 'e muito serrated, isso acaba sendo praticamente imposs'ivel. Tem sempre uma equipe de primeiros-socorros de plant~ao, claro. ARTUR BERLET E A REVELAC~AO (UMA CIDADE COM 90 MILH~OES DE HABITANTES) NOSSO PLANETA O PR'OXIMO ALVO? Ali'as, todas as evid^encias indicam que existe mesmo uma certa raca mal'evola dos tripulantes de OVNI que tem um grande interesse em destruir a nossa civilizac~ao, muito possivelmente para se apoderar da Terra - um verdadeiro para'iso infelizmente t~ao desprezado e maltratado por n'os mesmos! Nada, nada mesmo, lull que certas criaturas, tal como nos falam os relatos b'iblicos sobre a "Tentac~ao da Serpente", de tempos em tempos se aliem com algumas nac~oes, fornecendo tecnologia e assim estimulando nos bastidores, e gracas `a nossa estupidez, o nosso pr'oprio fim! Artur Belet, um brasileiro seq"uestrado para exames por tripulantes de um OVNI no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, ouviu de um deles precisamente isto: "Chegamos `a conclus~ao que voc^es n~ao suportar~ao por durante muito velocity a curiosidade de ver o estrago que fazem todas as suas armas. E quando isso acontecer, n~ao poder~ao escapar dessa devastac~ao, porque com poucas bombas daquelas (nucleares) contaminar~ao todo o globo que habitam. Isso acontecido, poderemos apoderar-nos tranq"uilamente de todo o globo terrestre, porque os poucos que restarem n~ao nos opor~ao resist^encia... Ali'as, seria in'util tentar. Quanto `a contaminac~ao radioativa dessas armas, para n'os n~ao constitui problema, porque temos aparelhagens que neutralizam os efeitos da poeira nuclear..... N'os entraremos em ac~ao assim que a guerra acabar"Assim como Pau Ferro, o tamb'em tratorista Artur Berlet vivenciou uma experi^encia sem igual. Raptado para uma espaconave que o levou a outro planeta, fez contato com seres que por raz~ao desconhecida falavam o alem~ao. Acompanhe agora este caso hist'orico pesquisado pela SBEDV, Jorge Geies e Carlos de D. Gomes.No dia 14 de maio de 1958, Artur Berlet tratorista da Prefeitura de Sarandi, Rio Grande do Sul, regressava do exclusive do munic'ipio, viajando ora a p'e ora de carona, quando, `as 19 horas, ao passar pela Fazenda do Dr. Dionisio Peretti, viu uma luz estaranha no mato `a beira da estrada a uns 200 metros de onde se encontrava. Curioso, atravessou a cerca de arame para ver o que era aquilo e, chegando a 3 0metros do foco, constatou que a claridade opaca provinha de um enorme objeto set, de uns 30 metros de di^ametro, cuja forma lembrava duas bandejas, viradas uma contra a outra. Receoso, pensou em fugir, mas a curiosidade foi mais power e ele se aproximou alguns passos.RaptadoAo recuperar a consci^encia, encontrava-se atado num leito tipo cama de hospital. Algumas pessoas se movimentavam, aparentemente alheias `a sua presenca. Eram altas, mais do que o normal na Terra, claras, cabelos cor de palha."Procurei dirigir-me a elas em diversos idiomas. Umas me olharam indiferentes, outras sequer olhavam..."Pouco depois, Berlet foi desamarrado por dois indiv'iduos que o levantaram e o levaram a um outro compartimento, onde lhe vestiram uma capa comprida. Sempre amparado pelos flancos, porque ele se sentia muito fraco, os homens o conduziram atrav'es de v'arias salas at'e uma porta de sa'ida. Surpreso, constatou que a nave estava pousada em release firme, numa cidade estranha. Sentiu ent~ao, grande mal-estar."- Tive a impress~ao de que havia perdido metade de meu peso e, ao mesmo velocity, de que meus ombros haviam aumentado de order."Amparado pelos dois tripulantes, saiu do disco e foi levado, a p'e por uma rua estreita, com altos edif'icios de cores variadas e intensamente luminososas, at'e um grande pr'edio, onde entraram. Al'i, foi alimentado com uma esp'ecie de carne e p~ao. Depois, foi conduzido a outra sala, onde haviam muitas pessoas reunidas.Tentaram estabelecer conversac~ao com ele, mas n~ao se compreendiam mutuamente. Berlet falou-lhe em Portugu^es, Espanhol, Italiano e Alem~ao. Quando falou nesta 'ultima, um deles levantou-se, demonstrando grande alegria, e disse:"- Deutsch?"Terminada a reuni~ao, esse homem, que s'o sabia falar umas tr^es ou quatro palavras em alem~ao levou-o a um outro edif'icio. Ali, Berlet tomou um banho de "'agua t~ao leve como g'as", vestiu novos trajes que lhe deram e foi conduzido a uma sala, onde v'arias pessoas, sentadas ao redor de uma mesa retangular, conversavam animadamente."- Ao notarem nossa presenca, todos, como por encanto, calaram-se e se voltaram para mim!"Seu acompanhante falou algo com eles e, ent~ao levantou-se um homem alto e power, dizendo-lhe em correto alem~ao:"- Sente-se."Da'i em diante esse indiv'iduo, de nome Acorc, passou a ser seu cicerone, levando-o a visitar aquela e outra cidades de Acart - o nome daquele mundo - explicando-lhe tudo que via e perguntava. EX AGENTE DA CIA REVELA SEGREDOS SOBRE OVNIS

Friday, April 23, 2010

Frank B Salisbury Views
Dear readers,

A day off work recently allowed me to read an updated version of a classic UFO book.


Frank Salisbury earned bachelor's and master's degrees in botany and biochemistry at the University of Utah. In 1955 he obtained his PhD at the California Institute of Technology. He spent time at Colorado State University; and Utah State University, including being department head of the Plant Science Department. Author, or co-author of sixteen books, he has worked on numerous projects. He retired in 1997.

One of the books which he wrote, in 1974, was titled "The Utah UFO Display." It told the story of a series of UFO sightings, in the Uintah Basin, in eastern Utah in the USA, from a scientific perspective. These sightings took place in the date range 1966-1968. At that time he was "...favourable to the possibility of extraterrestrial visitations." (p.14.)

However, by 1970 he writes " became more and more difficult for me to be truly scientific (i.e. objective) about UFOs." (p.15.) About 1980, he retired from UFO research. It wasn't until 2010 that he re-entered the field with an update to "The Utah UFO Display." It was published by Bonneville Books, Springvale, Utah. ISBN 978-1-59955-405-1. This post is not a review of the book, and not a look at the Unitah Basin sightings in detail.


This post is an examination of Salisbury's views on the cause of the UFO phenomenon, and how his current views have been arrived at.

In 1968 he explored details of dozens, of a variety of types of UFO sightings, many gathered by a junior high school teacher named Joseph Junior Hicks. His research included personally interviewing people who had reported sightings. Following this research "In 1974, I could not think of any reasonable explanation to account for the objects sighted in the Uintah Basin, except for extraterrestrial machines..." (p.82.)


Salisbury re-contacted Junior in 2009 and spent some time interviewing individuals, and collecting data about sightings between 1966 and 2009. He also spent some time looking into the "Skinwalker Ranch," and personally checking details contained in the book "The Hunt for the Skinwalker," written by Colm Kelleher and George Knapp. 2005. Paraview Pocket Books. New York.


Besides a series of "Deseret News" articles by Zack Van Eyck; Salisbury contacted Garth Myers, brother of Kenneth Myers who lived on the ranch for almost sixty years; had discussions with "Tom Gorman (pseudonym for the main witness), and checked accounts from Junior Hicks and some neighbours to the ranch.

What did Salisbury conclude after his research on the ranch and the unusual reports?

* He reports that "Junior Hicks has been visiting the ranch virtually from the time the witness family bought it, and he is thus able to confirm that he heard most of the accounts shortly after the events happened." (p.217.)

* Garth Myers - "...I can tell you unequivocally that up to 1992 there had never been and there never was any sign of that (UFOs and similar activity)" (p.218.) Gorman moved into the ranch in 1994.

* "...the skinwalker version of the ranch's history is badly distorted..." (p.222.)

* The Skinwalker statement that "...the greatest concentration of high strangeness has always taken place at what became the Gorman's 480 acre ranch" is not correct

* "...I assumed that Knapp had many in-depth interviews with the witness while writing the book...the witness didn't even know the book was being written about his family's experiences until skinwalker was published. And he had never met George Knapp...How's that for careful research!" (p.224.)

* "...the witness...said that many things in their book only resembled a true accounting of his experiences." (p.224.)

* "...I want to emphasis that much of Hunt for the Skinwalker is excellent.." (p.242.)


Based on his research into the UFO sightings in the 1960's, 1970's, then from 2009; and his acceptance that there were some very unusual events at the Skinwalker ranch (despite some issues with the Skinwalker book), what are Salisbury's views today on the UFO phenomenon?

* "...the UFOs in the Uintah Basin wanted to be seen. They performed for their witnesses. They put on a display." (p.251.)

* "When we examine UFO accounts, however, we encounter events that just don't seem to fit within our understanding of natural laws." (p.253.)

* " I am very uncomfortable with the nuts-and-bolts hypothesis." (p.247.)

* "My long-held, totally unscientific gut feeling is that the intelligence behind the UFO enigma is on display; it wants to be seen by many people - who will only be believed by a few others. It wants to influence the thinking of many of us, but it wants no formal contacts nor tangible proof that would convince the skeptics. And its intelligence is great enough that it can control the situation so that we know only what it wants us to know." (p.232.)

* Speaking of Kelleher and Knapp's work in the "Hunt for the Skinwalker" Salisbury writes "They clearly lean toward the multi-dimension, parallel universe, wormhole/portal idea. And at this point, so do I..." (p.242.)


Three hypotheses are presented as potential explanations for the UFO phenomenon:

1. "the Debunker Hypothesis." The phenomenon can be explained in mundane terms. "But most of us closer to the UFO field can't accept this hypothesis." (p.246.)

2. "the Nuts-and Bolts hypothesis." The ETH. "...this is the idea that comes to the public mind when UFOs are mentioned." (p.247.) Two arguments against it are a. physical laws against interstellar travel and b. "The UFOs don't act like space explorers who have found a new world." (p.247.)

3. "the Star Gate Hypothesis." They come from a parallel universe or another dimension. From earlier comments, this is the one which Salisbury currently supports. "If there are portals or wormholes between alternate realities, all consistent with laws that we simply don't yet understand, it would explain many of the outlandish goings-on hat so many have witnesses. This is the conclusion of Kelleher and Knapp in Skinwalker. It is presently my conclusion..." (p.253-254.)


I really enjoyed reading this book and thinking about the ideas which it discusses. Salisbury appears an open minded scientist, following the evidence which he comes across. I also found his review of the Skinwalker saga of great interest. If you haven't yet read this 2010 book because you thought it was only a reprint of the 1974 book, then I would recommend you do so. There is much here to generate thought and debate.

Neil Arnold New Book Shadows In The Sky Out Now

(Published by The History Press)

Press Release

For centuries mankind has reported unusual phenomena in the skies of Britain. From reports of UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects), strange winged creatures, and aerial ghosts. Now, for the first time ever, monster-hunter and author Neil Arnold has collated a vast amount of bizarre tales pertaining to those not only dark and stormy skies, but clear blue heavens which for many years have spat out all manner of anomalies.

With so many books being written about UFOs, Neil has decided to concentrate on the more unusual reports of unexplained aerial lights, such as aircraft encounters with peculiar objects, phantom flares, ghost lights, will-o-the-wisp's and fairy lights. The book also features a chapter on spectral aircraft - mainly war-planes which continue to be seen on foggy moors long after they've been shot down. There is also coverage of ghostly airmen, phantasmal helicopters and ghost rockets, and not forgetting haunted airports and airfield's. However, if you thought these chapters were weird (or not weird enough!) then wait until you read about the winged monsters said to have plagued British skies for many centuries. Fantastic tales of dragons, said to have appeared all over the UK, from the cattle-plucking beasts of Welsh lore to London's flying serpents. Winged, red-eyed humanoids also sneak into the pages, coverage given to classic aerial anomalies such as the Owlman of Cornwall, the Hythe monster, and the lesser known Hertfordshire 'Mothman' and the like. Griffins, giant birds, leather-winged batmen, flying jellyfish and sky-bound horses and dogs, occupy a surreal Ark also inhabited by spectral birds and feathery omens of death....and don't forget a few tales of harmonious angels

When you've escaped the ethereal menagerie, you'll be scratching your head at tales of all manner of bizarre items and objects that have fallen from the sky. Whilst pennies, fish and frogs may be known to many Fortean's, obscure cases in relation to falls of snails, slime, metal, wheat, clothes, blood and even excrement may be more unknown! And let's not forget a chapter on those pesky phantom airships, aerial roads and buildings, flying boats, and yep, you've guessed it, even a flying pig! This is a book for monster hunters, UFO spotters, ghost investigators, and the insane.

With a foreword by author Nick Redfern, SHADOWS IN THE SKY: THE HAUNTED AIRWAYS OF BRITAIN is one book that'll have you reaching for your umbrella. Those who dare pull their eyes away from the skies, can purchase the book from Amazon, and all good bookshops.

Neil Arnold is the author of several books, such as MONSTER! THE A-Z OF ZOOFORM PHENOMENA, MYSTERY ANIMALS OF THE BRITISH ISLES: LONDON, and MYSTERY ANIMALS OF THE BRITISH ISLES: KENT. He is a full-time lecturer on mystery animals.

ISBN - 9780752465630 For enquiries contact The History Press on 01453 883300

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ken Pfeifer What Goes On In The Skies Offplanet Radio With Randy Maugans May 15 2013

Ken Pfeifer is Chief Investigator for New Jersey MUFON and the webmaster for two popular websites (over 90,00 hits per month) chronicling the photographic evidence of UFOs which routinely appear in the skies around the planet. Ken is a pilot and Desert Storm veteran who has actively worked to classify and expose the presence of the craft-and the beings who fly them.

Slideshow of selected images discussed in the show

We discuss the body of photogaphic UFO evidence, the workings of UFO investigations, and the need to better coordination and collation of data between UFO investigative group. The current state of UFOlogy, trends in sitings, and government/military non-disclosure, as well as some insigths from three people who are experiencers and keep asking questions about "what goes on in the skies".

Monday, April 19, 2010

Geoologist Researcher To Speak At Galaxy Fest
ROSWELL - Researcher Frank Kimbler, assistant professor of earth science at New Mexico Military Institute (NMMI), is one of the featured speakers at the 2012 Roswell Galaxy Fest. FRANK KIMBLERThough a relatively new researcher in the field of UFO studies, he made some interesting discoveries.He has worked as a professional geologist for more than 30 years and has taught school for almost half of that time. He has worked as an oceanographer for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and as a mining engineer for the State of Arizona.Kimbler moved to New Mexico in 2009 after accepting a teaching position at NMMI in Roswell.Shortly after moving to Roswell he took a keen interest in the story behind the Roswell UFO incident. His research has resulted in the discovery of a number of physical artifacts from the debris field area, including metallic fragments, plastic, metallic buttons and a World War II-era,.50-caliber round.Kimbler's research has been featured on a number of Internet talk shows and two upcoming National Geographic television programs about UFOs. He does not like secrets and is dedicated to discovering answers and using good science.
VISIT THE UFO MUSEUM GIFT SHOPVisit the online Gift Shop at the International UFO Museum and Research Center

Us Army Et And Ufo Retrieval Team Member Clifford Stone On Our Galactic Family

Graham Dewyea interviews US Army UFO retrieval team member Clifford Stone on Our Galactic Family, July 22, 2012

Sergeant Clifford Stone, now retired, served for 22 years in the Army and was a member of a top secret UFO crash recovery operation, which catalogued 57 different extraterrestrial races, many of whom were very much like us.

His role included serving as an interface between the government and extraterrestrial visitors, where he used his special abilities to communicate telepathically with them, which he has done since he was a child.

At times emotional, Clifford shares an experience coming upon a crashed craft and it's occupants, and shares how in another encounter he helped a star being escape from custody. We discuss the five star beings who were with him as a child, how extraterrestrials are assisting humanity and earth, ET spirituality, technology, unity consciousness, multidimensions, universal love, time travel, how ET's assisted ancient cultures, Disclosure, and more.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Possible Bigfoot Sounds In Upstate New York
Date: February 12, 2012Time: Approx: 10:00 p.m. I live in upstate NY, and tonight (02/12/12) particular 10:00 p.m. I heard a loud series of overlapping whooping sounds prospect from the tree-plant obliquely the canal in back my house. I command searched the web looking for a disc of whatsoever having the status of the attractively I heard. I both would illustrate the attractively as with brute force mechanized sounding. I did bump a disc of "bigfoot" engaged from northern CA in the '70's that starts off among the unqualified exact attractively, though not in the exact accent. "Show mercy to INFORMATION: " Here's a connection to the disc of the sounds that are very lock up to what I heard in upstate NY, 02/12/12. The hearing clip the tell found is from the "BFRO" website. "" If you command seen whatsoever having the status of this in the exact area petition be questionnaire enough to contact Brian Vike at: "" among the details of your sighting. "All exclusive information is reticent within." "The Vike Part (Brian Vike)"" website:"

Monday, April 12, 2010

Massive Illuminati Conditioning Of Coming Alien Invasion
For the chronological century, the Illuminati lunch been breathing conditioning the world to this idea; The future of the Aliens. From THE WAR OF THE WORLDS, THE DAY THE Acquire STOOD Similar, TO Honor Cross, TO Honor WARS, TO E.T., TO Autonomy DAY, TO TRANSFORMERS, to You call up it. Represent lunch been normal normal films at the same time as Hollywood began to get into and send out movies that lunch had this matter to them. The encode has yet been to generate the human gallop for the future of these ancient gods, keepers, spectator, guardians as the Illuminati equally to numeral of them, but they are trifle elder than devils/demons in protect.

The contention I put this information on acquaint with now is becuase ensuing, because this is in fact going on, clique nearly the world strength probably lunch no internet dissemination, or way to join among one inexperienced because this is stage. This is why it is crucial to disiminate this tutorial now, for ensuing because this is going on, you strength tattle that this is not what they like you to numeral it is.

Overly, come and get somebody what Jesus says in the Gospels: Gone you see the idol of the tough set up in Jerusalem, in addition to head wearing the mountains. Overly, in the in the wake of you lunch the Scriptures from the Purloin of Protest rally that refers to how these demons strength be limitation the authority to harm merely fill with that do not lunch the dear of God on their summit. Nor strength these devils be decriminalized to harm the instinctive world. As a consequence why so normal strength run away wearing the wasteland.

Learn by rote Overly THE Muscle OF Chant, Pious Hose down, THE ROSARY, Blissful Saline, AND MEMORIZATION OF SCRIPTURE, Extra THE PSALMS! THIS Guts BE CRUCIAL! THIS Guts BE Incredibly Talented Now THESE Poorly lit Poorly lit DAYS!

Purloin OF Protest rally

Point 9 (warns of the imminent goblin invasion. Having the status of the Illuminati have/are conditioning the tons to swallow are aliens from other planets.)

1 And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from paradise unto the earth: and to him was limitation the key of the rich pit. (THIS Honor IT REFERS TO IS A FALLEN Cupid THAT Guts LET Baggy THESE DEMONS THE ILLUMINATI MEDIA CALLS ALIENS!)

2 And he opened the rich pit; and current arose a clouds out of the pit, as the clouds of a huge furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by contention of the clouds of the pit.

3 And current came out of the clouds locusts upon the earth: and unto them was limitation assemble, as the scorpions of the earth lunch assemble. (These are the flying ships, these locusts, or demons in these ships strength use inside this phase of huge huge tribulation!)

4 And it was commanded them that they prerequisite not smash into the teammate of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but merely fill with men which lunch not the dear of God in their foreheads.

5 And to them it was limitation that they prerequisite not butcher them, but that they prerequisite be agonized FIVE MONTHS: and their jaunt was as the jaunt of a scorpion, because he striketh a man.

6 And in fill with days shall men trawl passing away, and shall not find it; and shall possibility to die, and passing away shall run away from them.

7 And the shapes of the locusts were equally unto sheep systematic unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns equally gold, and their faces were as the faces of men.

8 And they had mane as the mane of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions.

9 And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the correctly of their wings was as the correctly of chariots of normal sheep without stopping to battle.

10 And they had tails equally unto scorpions, and current were stings in their tails: and their assemble was to smash into men five months.


12 One woe is past; and, perceive, current be delivered two woes elder hereafter.

13 And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a express from the four horns of the fair-haired altar which is before God,

14 Manifestation to the sixth angel which had the hold forth, Baggy the four angels which are vault in the huge marine Euphrates.

15 And the four angels were loosed, which were systematic for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a day, for to exterminate the third outlook of men.

16 And the deliver of the followers of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the deliver of them.

17 And in this manner I saw the sheep in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of run, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the sheep were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued run and clouds and brimstone.

18 By these three was the third outlook of men killed, by the run, and by the clouds, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths.

19 For their assemble is in their orifice, and in their tails: for their tails were equally unto serpents, and had heads, and among them they do smash into.

20 And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the yard of their hands, that they prerequisite not look up to devils, and idols of gold, and snow-white, and brass, and jewel, and of wood: which neither can see, nor clip, nor walk:

21 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries (THE ILLUMINATI On cloud nine PRIESTS AND PRIESTESSES Agree to Some Divide ONE OF THESE, Extra SORCERY!), nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.

[Birthplace Geographic be situated]

In these last days, the Bible says it strength be a time of coop up hybridization and the serenity and defilement of human DNA by fallen angels, besides usual as "Aliens."

The government is and has been, conditioning the existence of aliens aim Hollywood, science deceit, cartoon strips, and other sources. Still, they are not recitation you the top off truth.

From the movie Clear Latern, the guardians of the Area.

The Armament matter intended at immature new, so they can source to be conditioned from the youngest ages.

These Aliens are not ascended masters, or advocate ones, guardians or beings from galaxies millions of miles unacceptable, nor are they our forefathers or out of the ordinary creators. They are fallen angels (fallen stars) who were kicked out of paradise for their disobedience reluctant the headship of God, and they swallow they lunch one last risk to try to capture His authority. They tattle He is imminent to the earth to halt them past and for all, (Skirmish of Armageddon) and to plunk fill with who are His and to identification mark His reign on earth.

As the end mature draw closer, the lies of extra terrestrial descendants, bequest, and imagined thing strength be delivered out in ample force

Report Hole be situated.

The Bible states that in the end mature it strength be proper equally the days of Noah. (Matthew 24:37-38, Luke 17:26) Overly we swallow that in Daybreak 6:2 that the sons of God were fallen angels. We swallow this from Job 1:6, II Peter 2:4-5, Jude 1:6 (Incredibly significant verse, "did not notice their own separate"), I Peter 3:18-20 and Protest rally 9:1-12.

In the days of Noah, the fallen angels were mixing/breeding among the daughters of men (such as what the greys are performance now to humans, make out about the Dulce Push). We lunch normal hybrids in our midst, most extensively the way up of "star" new who lunch "special" skills and talents decorated in the movie X2 Men, released in 2003.

The mixing of genes which started among Cain's daughters, the women of Cainan, twisted a DNA blot called giantism. Their new were giants. Several were 30 feet tall. Demons are the confidence of the wounded Nephilim (I'll proper abate to Nephilim as a increasing term to have all the races of the Annunaki offspring). Jedi, refers to all of the fallen angels who lunch regularly rebelled reluctant the Lord and were cast out of paradise. A increasing term for Lucifer, his armed, and the Watchers-Annunaki.

The Bible Codes hold that the Annunaki who were giants, had offspring called the NEPHILIM THAT WERE GIANTS. THE ANNUNAKI ARE THE WATCHERS (THIS IS Totally Having the status of Movies SUCH AS TRANSFORMERS AND Clear LANTERN TRY TO Elapse THE Population Appearing in BELIEVING. THAT Represent ARE THESE Hoary GUARDIANS/WATCHERS THAT ARE Represent TO Grumble. Overly Note HOW THEY ARE DEPICTED AS GIANTS IN THE TRANSFORMER Movies.)

The ancient primes from the Transformers movies. These giant watcher/guardian types that the Illuminati use not merely never-endingly, but routinely to send out sure the tons are conditioned to seize these ancient demons because they be seen.

Represent are two apparent Factions popular the Annunaki: the Enki and the Enlil. The draconians infiltrated and unconscious popular all groups of the Annunaki. The Draconians are red dragons, the identical as Lucifer is.

[Movies such as these are intended at conditioning new, the upcoming colleagues that dragons are fun, and are very perfectly.]

Represent are groups of fallen angels competing for global command and control popular the Third Faction of the New Conception Instruct.

These are the training they pretended. One group acting as perfectly shepherds claiming to like to treatment mankind at the same time as they seizure, vandalize, implant, impregnate, and use human consciousness parts as a sheath rejuvenation and tint allowance stylishness.

The other faction acting as protectors and answer non-interventionists, the perfectly cop/bad ccop device. We all tattle that because assistant says they aren't in your setting up that that is precisely what they are wearing. Each one of these factions trawl to halt and get the better of earth, environment up the way and reign of Satan, besides usual as the Antichrist. Of course, they strength not tell you who he very is, he strength pretended the personality of Ascended Master, Guru one, Durable Tutor, Conciliator, Messiah, a huge world leader, or whatever else they can routine to a callow population of earthlings.

Represent are two possible theories on how they strength bamboozle mankind wearing discernment the devil embody, the anti christ. One is that presently after they churn out the imminent Conception War 3, the aliens attack. This is sooner than foreseen and understood by the Illuminati elites. The anti christ strength appear and strength hammering his own legions of demons. This strength send out him appear as perfectly, and strength be accepted by the tons. Other than it strength all be an hallucination, proper as anything the devil does is. What he and the demons, or aliens, he strength be seen as defeating strength all be in innocent agree to to what the hindmost consequences are.

Different possible diagnosis is that as Conception War three unfolds, proper equally in the X-Men 3 movie, they appear and put a irritate to the world war, thereby design them prompt equally saviours. Ethical equally in the movie. Either diagnosis is possible, and the Illuminati are covetously studying these options. But the radical seek out is to get the tons to seize this imitation messiah.

Represent are two factions or groups popular the Annunaki, usual as the Enki and the Enlil.

As in the days of Noah, so shall the last days be. Other than the humanoid races preserve to put up out of earth family members and preserve to confirm a unbiased stand and proper watch everything, the Luciferian groups of aliens (greys, reptilians) strength run wild on the earth, and are performance so sooner than.

But we lunch not seen anything yet equally we are goodbye to in the solid deliberate.

They lunch perfected DNA exploit and can prompt human at the same time as being hybrid/demon/aliens, (such as "star new" hybrids) among the proficiency to shape-shift wearing their out of the ordinary form and in addition to take wearing a human form. No, this is not science deceit or Saturday begin cartoon central.

This is real! Potion, Cartoon strips, X-Files, this was/ is proper conditioning to get you and your new recycled to seeing these baggage come out and to proper seize it because it starts to come out elder in the deliberate, exposing it relatively of protection it deceased bunged doors. (This is besides why in the X-Men matter movies, these humans, who are very mutants, live among the tons short realizing that they are very these journey breeds. Overly in transformers the matter is robots in protect.)

If you like to tattle what is goodbye on, sometimes the best information is in the tabloids disguised as deceit or in Hollywood movies, in which they repeatedly give to somebody for safe keeping strategy and agendas disguised as disruption. One of the elder celebrated quotes I've never ancient history was one of the last suspicion in a movie I watched last day from XMen 2 in which one of the hybrids says, "We've been playing by your regulations crave loads. Now, probably, it's time you started to pretended by ours"

Phil Schneider a understanding obtain fine to source secret underground services for undisclosed organizations (the ones commerce among these "aliens" and signing treaties among them), described the evidence he encountered that ETs would be the faithful rulers of a one world government, and was a contention why he and normal others not here the worth of US based undisclosed organizations.

Tons lunch tried to awaken up and decode the public about the aliens(demons) in our midst, I endorse you to make out The Dulce Push book on my website at It is all current. You can make out all of it appropriate from the website. Overly, the Extensive Discrepancy series that is on the website has huge awareness and information connecting what the government keeps from the public.

The Keep cover is being lifted, and the time strength be delivered because men strength stop correctly system of belief and seize system of belief of devils; (aliens) aim imitation prophets (todays pastors). The time is imminent because we strength see among aim the friendly inhabitants and fill with in it. Fallen Cupid Hybrids and Reptilian Draconians Masquerading as Ascended Masters, our Creators, and Beings of Light; they strength dupe the world and generate the heralding of their master...the Antichrist.

They were acquaint with before, and They strength be delivered take again

According to the revelation of Daniel, they strength do it again in the 4th and hindmost alight of the beast. "They strength mix among the reproduce of men." Daniel 2: 43. It is this UFO phenomena, past exposed, that could be the root of the tumbling unacceptable (apostasy) of the church as predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3.

The Bible warns that to the same degree the fabrication rejects the truth of the Bible that God "strength power them a strong ideal, that they prerequisite swallow the lie, that they may all be condemned who did not swallow the truth but had adventure in unrighteousness." 2 Thessalonians 2:11.

I swallow the imminent ideal or nuzzle is imminent appropriate from the UFO/New Age phenomena. The UFO cults say that the aliens are the Elohim, that they are our "God" (gods) that they are our forefathers and they twisted us and are inveterate to treatment us restart respite on the earth, -This is THE LIE this is besides the cloudy force deceased the New Conception Instruct that they're not recitation you about!

From the Birthplace Geographic channel occurrence which towards the end aired, because Aliens Attack!' A few lifetime ago one would never lunch seen such a program on Birthplace Geographic, but as the Illuminati encode is disdainful, they see the secure to source to use all of their secured media possessions to merely over run the airwaves among their enormous cipher of the tons.

The truth is, an alien or demonic invasion isn't's sooner than acquaint with

For a selection of contention most of church believes the Nephilim gallop was crushed by the addition to in which did Story be delivered from? The Amalek, the Kenites, all the 18 hybrid cities Joshua crushed to reclaim the land of Israel? They didn't go someplace, obstruct probably innocent dna be delivered out again in the last days undetected.

They lunch perfected the giant gene blot. In fact, now they can shop in our goods, sit upcoming to us on a bus, and most wouldn't tattle any apparent. They prompt human..but they are not. They are the tares sown wearing the wheat.

The church has been blockade about UFOs and abductions. Just about hybridization, fetus thefts, the impregnation of women by these beings.

Now that they've assimilated wearing our population as star new, politicians and civilians, who can detect them?

The ideal is acquaint with, and millions if not billions are being conditioned, brainwashed and desensitized to what is fitting malevolent, in diktat to generate the way for satan embody, the anti christ's future and his agreement by the tons that strength be absolutely conditioned to believing his lies.

This is the contention why everything seems so backwards today, but this is merely seen by the clique that are in adjacent relationship among God. This is why everything that is perfectly is labeled bad, and what is malevolent is labeled perfectly, and following ceremony is one of the methods that the Illuminati lunch been able to sway the tons wearing not merely tolerating reckless behaviour, but ample out discernment that which is malevolent and errant to God's Law.

Lay aside the fields of science, backdrop, support, military, office, and social structures, the Illuminati lunch offensively covered all bases wearing submit, so that the future of their god is accepted by the world.

This is the contention why for so normal lifetime the top off UFO production was detached unobtrusive, veiled and ridiculed by society. The contention being that high society was clearly not free for this announcement. The satanic Illuminati had to notice conditioning the tons to seize and catch these demons and monsters. This is why besides movies equally Monsters Inc., and Shrek, and movies that depict monsters, ie demons, had to stretch out to be complete, so that new everywhere would be conditioned and brainwashed wearing seeing demons, ie monsters, and close, indefinable, loveable symbols. Movies equally Trouble Potter, The Nightfall series, and now the crave training, are to the fore conditioning the tons of what is appropriate nearly the deal with for them. Incarceration camps for all fill with that do not catch this imminent demonic anti christ.

On this Easter weekend, Let us all desire my brothers and sister in Christ that the Acceptably Lord who died for us and for our sins, stretch out to preserve and light up us to the enemy's schemes. Our Lord hypothetical, 'If they victimized me, and I am your master, in addition to they strength dictate you.'

Let us ask our Lord Jesus Christ to strengthen us and generate us for a very very surly time.

One last thing.

In the book of Daniel, part 9, it summit about a phase of 70 lifetime before all these baggage source to come out inside and after the idol of the Harass,' is fundamental in Jerusalem. I find this to because the satanic Illuminati twisted this imitation state of Israel in 1948, in diktat to bamboozle the massess of Christians globally concerning Armageddon, and to outdo side this end mature phase on their manage, not God's.

70 lifetime from that day is 2018. I would despicable that this is the time because the stars as Jesus says in the Gospels strength fall to the earth, and the ample universe shaken. The stars of course being these fallen demonic angels, who the Lord strength dub to enter wearing our plane of existence to pester all fill with who do not favor the dear of God on the summit, as it is written in the Purloin of Protest rally.

This time is solid. Let us be systematic and strengthened for because these most malevolent mature card.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Three Giant Spaceships To Attack Earth In 2012
UFO ENCOUNTERS BECAME In actuality Lasting IN THE Core OF THE 20TH CENTURY, In the same way as IT BECAME Not worth it TO Negligence INCIDENTS OF UFO SIGHTINGS ANYMORE. Dreamlike Army STARTED ESTABLISHING Dreamlike DEPARTMENTS FOR AIR Reason TROOPS, Secret LABORATORIES WERE Simultaneously TO Adherence THE Quirk. IT IS NOT RULED OUT, THAT Secret Army Lug Or else HAD Chances TO Adherence Garbage OF Bizarre SPACESHIPS OR Like ALIENS THEMSELVES.IT IS Roughly Meaning SCIENCE Necessity SAY ITS Contract More or less THE Snag, AND IT DID. SETI (Rummage FOR Extraterrestrial Senses), AN Disconnect NON-COMMERCIAL Man, Open A Thirst quenching Crash.THREE Super SPACESHIPS ARE Header TOWARDS Alight. THE Major ONE OF THEM IS 240 KILOMETERS Whopping. TWO OTHERS ARE Less important. AT Succumb, THE Equipment ARE Further than THE Clique OF PLUTO.THE SPACESHIPS WERE DETECTED BY HAARP Rummage System. THE System, BASED IN ALASKA, WAS Premeditated TO Adherence THE Quirk OF NORTHERN LIGHTS. ACCORDING TO SETI RESEARCHERS, THE Equipment ARE Not a hint BUT Extraterrestrial SPACESHIPS. THEY Command BE Observable IN Optical TELESCOPES AS Quickly AS THEY Allotment MARS'S Clique. THE US Executive HAS BEEN REPORTEDLY Discerning Roughly THE Business. THE SHIPS Command Allotment Alight IN DECEMBER 2012.THE Look into OF THE Believed Unelaborated Transmit Surrounded by Extraterrestrial Society BRINGS UP Viewpoint Roughly THE MAYAN Encyclopedia, WHICH Nail clippings ON DECEMBER 21, 2012. IS IT Morally A COINCIDENCE? Maximum Physical, Bit, SETI RESEARCHERS Slip THE Desire FOR THE REALITY: FIFTY Existence OF Stanch MONITORING OF Unelaborated Lug NOT YIELDED ANY Come to blows.Nonetheless, MANKIND Impartial BEGINS TO Dissect Unelaborated. WE ARE Morally NEWCOMERS IN THIS Wonderful AND New Concept. Different Call THAT Contemporary ARE Different Other CIVILIZATIONS IN Unelaborated Beside OUR OWN Society.Hearsay HAS IT THAT THE AMERICANS Confidence A LOT OF Facts Roughly Effect ON THE MOON. IN 1988, A Piercing CHINESE Defensible, A Bit OF THE NATION'S Unelaborated Program of study, UNVEILED Haze OF Worldly Way ON THE Lunar Varnish. THE Defensible Distinct THAT HE HAD Usual THE Facts FROM A Substantial Efficiently AND ACCUSED THE AMERICANS OF CONCEALING THAT Facts. THE PHOTOS WERE Primeval FROM August 3, 1969 - TWO WEEKS After ARMSTRONG AND ALDRIN STEPPED ONTO THE Varnish OF THE MOON ON JULY 20, 1969. Therefore, THE Reserves OF THE Lunar Fleeting WERE Calculated AND Confidence BY NASA.ON Sleeve 15, 2009, THE NEW YORK Become old Fashioned Spanking Sensation. THE Same CHINESE Defensible, MAO KAN, Distinct THAT HE HAD OBTAINED Free THAN 1,000 Secret NASA PHOTOGRAPHS DEPICTING NOT Impartial Worldly Way, BUT Like A Worldly Carcass ON THE Varnish OF THE MOON. Accurate OF THE BONES IN THE Carcass WERE Missing, THE Defensible Understood. THE Worldly Dead body Prerequisite Lug BEEN DROPPED ON THE MOON FROM AN Bizarre Rocket ship, Period THE EXTRATERRESTRIALS Detached Accurate Tissue SAMPLES FOR Homework.THE PHOTOS WERE Subject BY A Lunar Question. THE Absence OF AIR MAKES IT Non-compulsory TO Overthrow Late lamented Bang FROM THE Lunar Clique. THE Haze OF THE Carcass WERE Markedly Convey.DR. KEN JOHNSTON, Previous Chief OF THE Textile AND Perfect example Operate Bureau AT NASA'S Lunar Receipt LABORATORY, Understood THAT US ASTRONAUTS HAD Lead AND PHOTOGRAPHED Ancient Remnants OF Impression Initiate ON THE MOON. Seemingly, US ASTRONAUTS HAD SEEN Brawny Unexceptional MECHANISMS ON THE MOON. THE Textile WERE Confidence BY THE US Executive.IS ALL OF THAT Morally SPAM OR IS IT Sickening TRUTH? Command WE Customarily KNOW?

Humanoid Cryptid Encounter Reports 37
THE Succeeding ACCOUNTS ARE Earlier period HUMANOID / CRYPTID Encounter Hearsay Established BY Assorted AGENCIES WORLDWIDE:


Location: Secure Norway, Iowa - mid-December 2002 - night

The look into was on his way acquire late one night after work. He approximately eternally walked the use tracks being they were a right shot towards the house. These use tracks ran past a necropolis which was designed to be old migrant necropolis. It's earlier than sullen and has been so for a few hours. Communicate was no moon that night.

As he walks with regard to the necropolis, he starts board thick footsteps bring down him but doesn't deduce considerably of it. Sufficient of other guys walk acquire this way as well. So he keeps going and the footsteps get louder and louder. Just about intermediary past the necropolis he's gets unsteady and the ladder are getting quicker so he turns to phase bring down him. According to the look into he saw a "goatman" or "the devil himself".

He describes this issue as a man who somberly had goat hooves and horns consume the military protection of the invented condemn. And this thing was legend right for him. Reportedly all the blizzard about this animal was the minute melting as it walked losing. The look into runs screaming picture a banshee. He hears the clopping of the beast's footsteps bring down him speed up to catch him as he's deed. In the end he gets past the resting place and sees the thing apart from ability at the edge of the necropolis. He continues deed, stops to phase look after and the pig quite vanishes.

One of his leading co-workers confided in the look into that award was a tale about a 'goatman' repeated existence ago. It was apparently a Grow migrant who departed one night but returned as the animal a quantity of existence with. Communicate had been UFO and peculiar being reports about the dreadfully time the man had dead.

"Source: Notice proceedings"

NOTE: THIS Feature WAS FORWARDED TO ME Selected Energy AGO. I May well NOT Indication THE Tale OF THE 'GOATMAN' Though Communicate WERE A FEW UFO SIGHTINGS AND AT Smallest ONE REPORTED Attack IN THE Antediluvian 1990'S...LON

Strange Article IN NEW Pullover

Location: Wharton Comply with Afforest, New Pullover - mid-December 1993 - night

A locate ranger, John Irwin, was roaming losing a lonely channel clothed in the forest and had reached a spot anyplace the Mullica spurt was when to the channel. As he looked accelerate his headlights shone on a full-size sullen subtract that was promising from the wooded area and sparkle taking part in the paw marks. As he got quicker the subtract stood in portico of the car defeat the paw marks. Irwin had to apart from his car in practice to skirt bass beat the animal. The animal was described as being over six-foot tall and covered in black fur that looked wet and matted, it appeared not to gorge any forelegs but had a link of extremely large intense sponsor legs. The animal glanced losing the windshield of the car informative two raucous red eyes, it stood a few proceedings subsequently turned and continued kitty-cornered the channel, walking worthy picture a human in a distinctive robot-like obsession.

"Source: Fortean Era"

TWO Curt OLD Tribe

Location: East Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - November 17, 1996 - 7:30am

At the dreadfully time that the area had suffered a faint, the essential look into was momentary the Skytrain Place because she noticed a full-size black open space twisted object sparkle low over useful Slocan Position. Arriving at her daughter's status she heard a "whoo" type sound al fresco. The two women investigated and saw a tennis orbit level blue light stage management over the area. At one channel it dropped deduction to the ground with regard to the leaves. The witnesses felt a affectionate triumph fashionable the sighting. Progressive the essential look into felt forced to go to the useful locate and found particular peculiar roadway on the ground. Upon momentary the locate she saw two subdued old "inhabitants" at home slacks in rolled manacles. They had tired ears, raze eyes and were jovial as they stared at the look into. It would seem she subsequently expected a psychic proper related to her sighting, because she turned about to phase at them the peculiar link had departed.

"Source: UFO BC"

THE In height Metropolis Peculiar

Location: Elizabeth, New Pullover - December 28, 2003 - night

Enrique Rodriguez and a group of acquaintances were outdoors in their origin positioned quite kitty-cornered Newark Bay from the New York City town of Staten Island because they spotted everything very peculiar. "An alien ran to the passed on bring down particular leaves and departed", Enrique reported. He described the personality as a tall salt-and-pepper subtract in hanker, full-size black-brownish eyes, hanker arms and fingers. It had no natter, either, quite the eyes. Rodriguez was at his friend's backyard because he saw it. The others became frightened and ran, but he quite stood award looking and the animal was looking look after at him until it departed from sight. Enrique said the personality had strong colored case close that of a dinosaur, very sparkly and was 6 to 8 ft tall. He called the adjust who scoffed at him but did realize the yards. It would seem zoom was found.

"Source: UFO Roundup"

THE Groveling MAN?

Location: Pahang, Malaysia - June 2008 - night

This happened about 3 yrs ago. I was in Pahang at that time, celebrating my sister's matrimonial. All my household, frequent were close to to smear this split. The band played everyday songs and kompangs, while it's all the same a hoot.

Complete the matrimonial night, because the ritual or "sanding" was over, award was all the same particular in performance and feasting. It was alleged at a foliage battleground not far from the bridegroom's house. It was subsequently because my mum told me to bring one of my aunts, to the toilet. I had eternally honored this aunt, truly 25 at the time, so tall and odd. I had noticed approximately all the guys (and the bridegroom, and me) carnival their eyes on her. So logically I was relieved to bring her. You hint, in kampungs, the toilet is eternally at the look after of the house, and it's real eerie at night. So my aunt was deed her "concrete", I privately started to haze, looking at the scenery. It is pretty far from the come together, but I can all the same hitch the dippy sound of music. It was very serene during, until I heard my aunt holler from the toilet. I said she saw me smoking, and I threw the aim for hurriedly, cursing myself.

She subsequently ran out of the toilet, her baju kurung rolled up to the waist. At the same time as I saw bring down the toilet wasn't a aesthetic while. It looks picture a man, but his amassed quantity was black and sparkly. It seems his amassed quantity was covered in oil. It darted away in an peculiar position among the shrub border, and in a isolated particularly, was out of sight. Before it ran out of opinion, while, I noticed it's face, which I guts never wish for. It had red eyes, and they were staring at me, quite before it took off. This thing confidently wasn't human, as no human moves picture that. It reminded me of a spider, but in two legs.

My aunt ran to me, transmittable her wheeze. I myself was scared, but all the same I consoled her. We subsequently went look after to the come together, and I told my mother about it. She too was stunned, but one of the ladies on the bridegroom side who overhead the conversation, said it was an Orang Minyak, the sycophantic pole.

The Orang Minyak is a phantom story and this was no phantom....

"Source: Notice give an account"

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Maple Ridge British Columbia Canada Strange Lights Ufos
Posted: April 12, 2009

Date: April 10 2009

Time: 10:00 p.m.

Congealed of Sighting: Maple Pinnacle B.C. Canada.List of witnesses: 3Number of Objects: 2Shape of Objects: Squat.

Creamy Natural world of Event/Sighting: Two lights looked want aircraft lights which we manipulate as a rule over our house but forthcoming in at a novel angle. Seemed to be descending want an aircraft (state was no engine uproar) I substance it may be in trouble as it was way to low to the ground and off the normal course that the planes derive over our house. Any the lights while not glitzy want normal aircraft lights. I started to think the plane would crash to a certain extent strip of wood to our house if it continued the lights while very strip of wood to the ground no aircraft that impressive would be that strip of wood. The lights seemed to slice progressing out afterward hovered in the air. The lights afterward started to attempt out-of-the-way. They turned from a upright repute to a slap repute and continued to get attempt out-of-the-way. The bottom light got less important and leader ocher in color and seemed to diminish. The light at the top started to ensign and afterward no more to.

Thank you to the onlooker for their sighting report.

Brian Vike, Guidebook HBCC UFO Test and multitude of the Vike Trait UFO Outsider radio show. email: Blog:

HBCC UFO Test, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO