Monday, April 19, 2010

Geoologist Researcher To Speak At Galaxy Fest
ROSWELL - Researcher Frank Kimbler, assistant professor of earth science at New Mexico Military Institute (NMMI), is one of the featured speakers at the 2012 Roswell Galaxy Fest. FRANK KIMBLERThough a relatively new researcher in the field of UFO studies, he made some interesting discoveries.He has worked as a professional geologist for more than 30 years and has taught school for almost half of that time. He has worked as an oceanographer for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and as a mining engineer for the State of Arizona.Kimbler moved to New Mexico in 2009 after accepting a teaching position at NMMI in Roswell.Shortly after moving to Roswell he took a keen interest in the story behind the Roswell UFO incident. His research has resulted in the discovery of a number of physical artifacts from the debris field area, including metallic fragments, plastic, metallic buttons and a World War II-era,.50-caliber round.Kimbler's research has been featured on a number of Internet talk shows and two upcoming National Geographic television programs about UFOs. He does not like secrets and is dedicated to discovering answers and using good science.
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