I was running around with some kids way smaller than me playing tackle handball. Needless to say i beat them all. While we were playing we saw these 3 lights floating. I recorded it on my blackberry but the video sucked. In actual life the lights lookes like 3 meteors following each other. They each had a ball of fire as a head and a tail right behind it. These are not fireworks cus they just keep floating around instead of just blowing up. I started recording pretty late but at first they kep appearing and dssapearing. all i cought was them dissapearing at the end
Uploaded by videobages on Aug 21, 2011
Early in the evening of August 18 at 18:00 GMT, were observed for some time a group of three UFOs in the Catalonia sky Catalu~na, right in the province of Tarragona.Second UFO report of strange unknown object photographed over Los Cristianos in Spain on Sunday, 21st August around 8 am.Uploaded by uforelease on Aug 21, 2011DID THE D.C. EARTHQUAKE TODAY WAKE YOU UP AT THE CAPITOL AND PENTAGON? SATAN CAN SPIN HIS YARNS ABOUT LEAVING HIS CHILD BEHIND, AND HE CAN CONTINUE TO HEAVILY GUARD THE WEST COAST, BUT THAT WON'T SAVE THE OTHER TARGETS THAT THE LOZ ARE EYEING.AND THAT WAS A MINOR SHALLOW QUAKE OFF A MUCH LARGER QUAKE HEADED FOR THAT REGION. THE LOZ ARE WORKING OVER TIME, AND THEY ARE DETERMINED TO MEET THE TIME-LINE BY THE END OF THIS YEAR FOR SATAN'S CHILD'S FALL.
Filed under: Signs in the Heavens, Signs in the Spiritual War Tagged: End Times Signs, Lions of Zion, LOZ, OVNI, UFO, UFO Sightings, UFO Videos, UFOs August 2011
Source: shieldufoproject.blogspot.com
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