Thursday, June 4, 2009

Our Readers 2009 Predictions Summary


Many readers sent in their predictions for the New Year. I read them and found that you all came to three main conclusions on three major subjects.

97% of you predicted that the main event to occur in the year 2009 would be a Middle East War breaking out midyear that would control the time and attention of the entire world.

88% of you also predicted a large asteroid event missed by our watchful eyes hitting us causing damage to a populated area but not enough damage to cause worldwide change. I found many emails warning us of a city or town being hit by a wayward comet or meteor.

80% of you felt the economy would be more of the same until February and then quickly turn around. No one predicted worldwide disaster in this area; in fact the opposite was noted by many emails stating the crisis would end sooner than anticipated.

A few readers felt that we would find a slowly growing acceptance of paranormal events happening with increases in reported sightings.

Not one person forecasted any type of UFO disclosure during the year of 2009

One reader sent me this reply, which seemed to sum up this readers view of mankind:

My prediction is... "Man will do as man has always he/she damn well pleases - regardless of whether it is right or wrong."


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