Friday, August 5, 2011

Ufos In Brazil 1977
Uploaded by andrewtp21 on May 12, 2008During the months of September through December 1977, a Brazillian Air-Force commander named Captain Uyrang^e Hollanda was sent to the island of Colares to investigate a series of incidents in which over 80 people reported being attacked by beams of light from UFOs. Two people were paralyzed and one person died. The cause of death was ruled as "unknown" by the coroner. All of the people hit by the light were left with puncture and burn marks on their skin. The investigation, codenamed "Operation Saucer," collated over 15 hours of film, 500 photos, and hundreds of documents with detailed drawings and interviews with over 3,000 witness. The files were to remain classified by the Brazilian Government until 1997, when UFO investigator's A.J. Gevaerd and Marco Petite of UFO Magazine were allowed partial access. They were also contacted by the then retired Captain Hollanda who gave them a vivid recollection of the whole series of events.


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