Date: In the region of September of 2011Time: Sundown. Goodbye, my links and I were out long-gone midnight here in Chico, CA at the cause of the academic time, almost September of 2011. We saw two UFOs that night. One appeared to be a monumental meteor that I was afraid was leaving to hit Impose a curfew roughly speaking us. It was a monumental sizzling rock and it simply hung in mid-air for about 10 or 15 seconds further on it descended out of dig. The gleam UFO was a quadrilateral bent aircraft that appeared to have a rotary orangey disc almost it. My confederate saw the orangey too, and asked me what it was. I claim it appeared the orangey rotary disc was the way it stirred. No apparent normal engines or what either. It crossed the sky proper expert us. It appeared to be flying defile than a normal jet, but not really close for the day. If you have seen what absence this in the self-same area comfort be approach sufficient to contact Brian Vike at: "" past the details of your sighting. "All secret information is shy secret."
"The Vike Mechanism (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
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