Saturday, September 13, 2014

Have You Ever Been Abducted Take The Quiz
In the history of UFO research, many people have tried to estimate how many individuals might have undergone abduction experiences. According to a 2002 nationwide Roper poll, 2.9 million Americans are reporting unusual Blogger: Can you handle the truth? - Edit Post "Have you ever been abducted? Take the quiz."experiences consistent with those related to the UFO-abduction phenomenon.

The following test was designed by UFO-abduction-research experts Budd Hopkins and Dave Jacobs to determine the likelihood that an individual has had a UFO-abduction experience. Please review the following list of experiences that might or might not have happened to you at some point in your life, as either a child or as an adult, or both. For each item, please indicate whether this has happened to you once or more than once, or never.



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