Friday, December 17, 2010

+"Place INCIDENTS"+ >museum program call for incorporate< +TRANSCENDENTAL MANIFESTATIONS+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (>magical mechanism of art & science< +RADIANT ALCHEMY+ >from my visionary matrixi invited dave to assume five collages< +PRESCANNED+ >from my oeuvre that he was< >particularly paying attention to< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +TONIGHT'S PHOTOS+ >shall manage to pay for these w/ a perspective< >of programing the comfortable of< +"Place INCIDENTS"+ ^^^^^^^^^^ >an breathtaking museum melding< +ART "> #1) +COSMIC DIMENSION+ >tropique/magique/metaphysique< +SILVER Transport SEEDS 1992+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >flying saucers gather together jungle/desert< +ORGANIC ALCHEMY+ >the french pioneer w/ chateau< >memories nourished with< +FEMALE BEAUTY+ ^^^^^^^^^ >reaps a make a choice of transcendental< +MANIFESTATIONS+ >radiant/dynamic/cosmic/visionary< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #2) +AFRO-FRENCH+ >plantation make a choice symphony< +SOUTHERN ALCHEMY+ ^^^^^^^^^^^ >seeds/heat/soul/rain/love/light< >the earnest matrix rewards< >our cessation devotion< ^^^^^^^^^^ #3) +BIOMAGNETIC ENERGY+ >world expo art park< +HOUSE FOR MARIAN 1984+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >i built two houses for my wife marian< >but i alleged four for her and< >this one is my lovely but it< >was too kind for lajolla< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +LAJOLLA WAS TOO CONSERVATIVE< +TO Give birth to A PYRAMID-SPHERE+ +HOUSE ON THREE PYLONS+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >this world expo art rack should< >surround "wilderness incidents"< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #4) +ECO-MUNDO RESORT+ >mulege, mexico< +BUNGALOW PALAPA 1995+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >openable on two split ends prototype< >beach compartment built also a< +PALAPA PALM+ >roof and original materials< >(last international project)< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (>note; give to is another version< +RADIANT PROTOTYPE+ >of this conception that i glance ) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #5) +COSMIC Depart TOWER+ >solar water vortex< +RADIANT Restoration PROCESS+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >water/heat/color/sound light< +ESSENCE CONES+ >for marianne conway ray my< >beautiful dazzling bride< ^^^^^^^^^^^^ +DESIGN CONCEPT+ >based on research of irish towers< >of antiquity built on plantations< >causing productive agriculture< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +AND+ >a math mode i invited from< +RON SCHAEFER+ >my mathmatical musician friend< >who used to think it over my sdsu< +CLASSROOM+ >and scheme on structure< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +NOTE : Someone KNOWING+ +RON SCHAEFER'S LOCUS+ +PLEASE LET ME KNOW+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ +SUMMERY+ >this clutter of my collaged and< >design graphics provides the< +S C E N A R I O+ >for a "wilderness incidents" museum< >where metaphysical alchemy< >provides identifying mark in radiant< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +TRANSCENDENT MANIFESTATIONS+ >ufos to biomorphic structures< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +EXTRATERRESTRIAL BEINGS+ >egyptology/astrology< ^^^^^^^^^^^ +RADIANT ARCHITECTURE+ >(enormous & biotronic)< ^^^^^^^^^^ >isaac newton meets le plongeon> +ST BERNARD & EMMA CALVE+ >holy cloak & templars< ^^^^^^^^^^^^ +TROPIQUE-MAGIQUE+ +METAPHYSIQUE+ ^^^^^^^^ DNA ray, lajolla, california >eugene ray, mfa, architect< >professor emeritus, sdsu< ^^^^^^^^^^^^


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