Sunday, February 20, 2011

Alicia Montells Ufo Contactee Experience
What do ET abductors want? It's been suggested that to insure species survival, they're inbreeding genes of emotional, self-willed, individuated Earth humans into their own excessively

mental, regimented race-but perhaps that's projection. What arewe learning? Self-reflectiveness, perhaps-a keener idea of just who we are? Alicia Montell's testimony implies just such anoutcome.

"Was I ever abducted? I mused over this question as I put down a book I'd been reading, describing a person who through hypnosis discovered having had an encounter with aliens at an

earlier time in his life.

"I've never doubted that extraterrestrials exist. I have always accepted as fact that we are only a small but not-so-forgotten planet out here on the fringes of the Milky Way, and are visited quite often by a variety of travelers. How could anyone possibly ; think that we are the ONLY living, evolving, experiencing creatures?"

"My husband Bernt and I have read with great interest all the stories we could lay our hands on, but at times had to smile-we clearly saw that people's fear often created a lot of problems for them. If instead they had been able to keep cool and cooperate with the aliens, their stories would have been quite different. They could have had encounters filled with awe and understanding of those beings who impinged so forcefully upon their lives."

"Our seeming inability to identify with the fear in abductees was somewhat altered by an explanation from our discarnate friend, 'Arthur." he told us, 'Your race deeply believes anyone entering from outside this planet cannot possibly look like us; they MUST look different, they MUST be feared. You cannot see these beings for what they really are. When confronted, a shield automatically blinds your vision and distorts anything or anybody that does not belong on the planet... they most likely are very much like yourself'

'Arthur' went on to describe my inner travels and how I had met many strange races outside Earth planet's confines. 'Remember what happened when she met reaces similar to her own? She got very upset, could not at first visualize their features, because it was difficult to accept that others existing out there could possibly look like her own race back on earth. Even in that free a mental state, the race concept remained...'

"Now I begin to wonder if I might find fear taking over simply because the body reacts naturally, should I someday stand in front of an alien. Anyway, I think I am ready to put it to the test!"

To be continued..,



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