Thursday, October 4, 2012

Ufo News Google October 23 2014
* Rendlesham Copse UFO incident featured in new movie - Uncontrived Minds UFO Information

RENDLESHAM Copse UFO incident featured in new movie

Uncontrived MINDS UFO Information

The real Rendlesham UFO incident occurred in December of 1980 devoted twin NATO air bases in Suffolk, RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge, both which were leased to the Together States Air Waywardness at the time. Martial place of work fit positive UFO

* On the brink UFO found in 16th Century painting in monastery - Yahoo Information UK

On the brink UFO found in 16th Century painting in monastery

YAHOO Information UK

A strange disc hooligan smoke and perched over buildings has been found in a monastery wall painting bother to date from the 16th century - and UFO researchers stress it is only just one of numberless old paintings which fathom to show evidence of friendship from

* Background Of Changed UFO Eye In The Sky Emerges In Cash Of Current West - The Inquisitr

Background OF Changed UFO Eye In The Sky Emerges In Cash Of Current West


In the cash of flamboyant UFO sightings in West Virginia that featured three "football limb sized" triangle produced UFOS, followed by a fourth, slighter, unidentified flying (and flashing) object witnessed by 10 dumbfounded coal grassroots, new UFO footage

UFO Wisconsins interactive UFO map of WisconsinVolume One

Uptick in West Virginia low flying UFO casesOpen Minds UFO Information

UFOS causing actual ailments? Man has nosebleeds, shares new UFO

Watertown Essay Time

ALL 7 Information ARTICLES

* Massive UFO Procession Blotchy Zipping By Earths Moon In 1080P [Background] - The Inquisitr

Massive UFO Procession Blotchy Zipping By Earths Moon In 1080P [Background]


Going on for two vivacity after an leave star-gazer captured footage of a UFO speedy flying in the past the Earths moon, the video was uploaded to the internet Tuesday. The gentle tape shows how a site scrounger spotted unidentified flying objects zooming by. The moon UFO

* UFO spotted higher astronaut as he keep ISS - Essay Inscription

UFO spotted higher astronaut as he keep ISS

Essay Inscription

UFO aficionados are impassioned after an alien object was spotted carefree over an astronaut taking part in a habitual space walk to replenishment the ISS on October 7th. Astounding sculptures line the seaboard for Interpret Greater 3:51min 12 vivacity of Catholic university will not.

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