By Alex Pareene often dreamed of the world coming together to battle spacemen, but never gave much thought to an actual killer
Ronald Reagan claimed to have seen UFOs on at least two occasions, according to reports from sources as disparate as the Wall Street Journal, Lucille Ball and the National Enquirer. He alerted the Navy to one of his sightings, and he and Nancy believed that Egyptian hieroglyphics referenced extraterrestrial flying crafts.
In 1985, at the first summit meeting between Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, Reagan surprised the Soviet premier with this odd line of questioning: "From the fireside house, President Reagan suddenly said to me, 'What would you do if the United States were suddenly attacked by someone from outer space? Would you help us?'
"I said, 'No doubt about it.'"
"He said, 'We too.'"
"So that's interesting," Gorbachev said to much laughter.That hypothetical space invaders scenario -- a sort of "this island Earth" fantasy that sounds profound to either the screenwriter of a 1950s B picture or a very high college freshman -- was so compelling to Reagan that he repeated it in public speeches, on multiple occasions, while president.
See Also:
At What Level in our Government is the Truth Known?
What Some Say about the Existence of UFOs
'Kucinich is Not The First Presidential Aspirant to Report Seeing a UFO'
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