I'm no political genius, but when I see Democrats, Republicans and the mainstream media absolutely hating Ted Cruz (a former prosecutor, by the way, who never held political office -- refreshing...), Rand Paul and Mike Lee, and ridiculing the Tea Party in utter terms of non-endearment, I know wha's up: The old guard is scared to death, fearful that its power, wealth and god-like self-image could indeed be sacrificed on the altar of public opinion come election time. Meanwhile, typically, the media and the Dems predictably throw out the only tattered and nearly mummified cards they have left -- Clinton hags Bill and Hillary. Notice how, at least, the Republican ex-prezes usually go away after they leave office and not pretend they still rule?
Things could change, but at this moment, frozen in time, I would much prefer to see Cruz and Paul as presidential and vice-presidential candidates, and #@^%# Chris Christie and #*"> Marco Rubio as far as I'm concerned. Of course, chances are Hillary will try again, as she tried previously (Remember? She wasn't particularly impressive during previous debates), but this time she'll have the well-deserved baggage of Benghazi and consistent failures clocked up as secretary of state as her ball-and-chain. Will America remember? Will nitwits absorbed in little more than electronic this-pads and that-pads, bad movies, games and sports (where fans are too busy murdering one another) even notice?
A NO-UFO ABDUCTION? Why does ol' Robert (that's me) back off from so much of the contemporary UFO, etc. "scene?" Well, this sort of thing helps -- Various accounts suggest that when Dr. Steven Greer and his bodyguards arrived to speak at the "Contact in the Desert" symposium in August, they locked the doors and refused to let anybody out during the session. Kinda hot in the desert, too, we're told, even in the room. You can get further details on the Web, but for my money I doubt it would have been a bad thing if the whole building and most of its occupants had been abducted and propelled far, far out into deep space. Why would I write something so cruel? Because I hoped the "New Age" claptrap went away with molasses-thick hair gel. If one wishes to use the term" UFO" and the word" science" in the same sentence and expects the media and world to take you seriously, it isn't likely to happen at something called "Contact in the Desert," nor did it happen at "Giant Rock". So-called UFO conferences often become little more than meet-and-greets with a carnival atmosphere, prettied up as clowns galore sell and impart their wares, all dolled-up with artistically haunting images of wide-eyed aliens used for background decorations.
HOMELAND INSECURITY: Why is a "Homeland Security" higher-up a proud and active member of the internationally and deservedly condemned Muslim Brotherhood? This is starting to make some news in the states. For those who need to know, the MB despises Western values and wants you, your mom and your kids to either convert to strict Islam or die as they rebuild the empire -- the Caliphate. In no way have these folks been neutered in world influence, and it's right here in our front yard. This White House has a funny way of showing trust.
THANKS A LOT, JOHN KERRY FORsigning a new %*"> Fortunately, the U.S. Senate tends to defeat these sweet little U.N. dictums which often seem intended to interfere with our constitutional rights, sooner or later.
JUST WONDERING: If enough military personnel become disenchanted with the Commander-in-Chief (you know, the one who thinks corpsmen are pronounced as "corpse" men) and bail out when their service comes up for renewal -- would the military draft be reinitiated? I guess then we would find out how much young people "love" their president, to say the least.
Origin: outer-space-guests.blogspot.com
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