Many of you over the past two years have asked why I haven't shown aliens. They claim that all I show is their hardware. The answer is not that easy to explain.First of all, there are from 44 to 57 species of aliens on Earth, depending on who you talk to. Some look like us while others look anything but human. Some look like plant life. I don't know of anyone that can show me pictures of all of them walking around the planet.
Second, people around the planet have taken pictures of these aliens. The problem is how do you know if these pictures are real or if they have been taken by people who want to spread misinformation, discrediting the UFO movement?
Third, anyone who has come face to face with these creatures like I have can tell you that seeing these people is very emotional. Can you explain to your family pet the calculation that goes into finding out the volume of a room? That is how it is when an aliens tries to explain technical theories to our best scientists. This gives our best scientists the feeling that they are inferior creators in the Universe.
Fourth, I learned of the alien murder of Todd Sees, 60 miles north of Harrisburg, Pa. just before I saw my first alien. The thought that ran through my mind (and I am not sure they were my thoughts) is the thought that, do they all murder people when they get the chance? A moment of great fear takes over and people like me really don't want to deal with these people.
People have dealt with aliens since before biblical days. This is not anything new. It is new to most of you because the Federal government doesn't want you to know about off worlders. That is why anyone who talks about it is crazy, a con artist, or a hoaxer. They put people in jail for disclosing highly classified information about alien activity. This is why people who have first hand knowledge of aliens talk about it if they are close to death.
Only a few people risk their life and the lives of their families to talk about this activity.
People all over the world come in contact with aliens. Many smuggle videos, photos, and other information out about them. Here is what someone smuggled out of Russia from the KGB files.
Are these aliens real? I don't know. I did not meet these people that landed in Russia. Aliens in America
One thing you will find out in this video is that people have an ego problem. Once people find out that they are not alone and that humans on Earth are really at the beginning of the Stone Age compared to the rest of the galaxy, it can cause depression. Aliens can't explain things to humans because many things are beyond the comprehension of human thinking.
Aliens that are working for the Department of Naval Intelligence, (in the US Government) in Project Signal are supposed to give the US government alien technology in exchange for letting aliens take about 30,000 of our citizens away per year. Here is one reason why the government cannot tell you that aliens exist. Many people in our government are guilty of treason against the American people.
In this video the alien appears to be sick. This adds to the viewers emotional distress. This emotion is even worse when you see them suffering or in custody.
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