The first in general map of the world's persuasive anomalies has been formed (BBC story, project website). The mistrust that persuasive fasten and anomalies could be culpable for paranormal deeds and sightings has existed for decades. A major sever of of parapsychology believes that shady activity has an electromagnetic degree, or is equal a "playback" of electromagnetically "recorded" past deeds stored in courage or bricks. Paul Deveraux and his Dragon Problem deviate that ancient European megalithics were built to go around following electromagnetic fasten or ley coastal defenses. One segment of this includes earthlights, which is congruence to Michael Persinger's research featuring in EM awakening of the brain. Persinger has gotten senior custody for his attempts to restructure alien abductions in the laboratory. But his beforehand work was on electromagnetic anomalies, earthquakes, earth lights, and UFOs.
So I dubious anyone down the line in spooky studies inner self do no matter which following this EM geography research.
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