Sunday, May 9, 2010

Ufo Artillery Takes Out Landed Ufo At Dnang Rvn Happy Valley In 1966
Posted: April 6, 2009

Date: Amongst February and July of 1966

Time: 2:00 - 4:00 a.m.

Status of Sighting: Da Nang, RVN - Subtle Arroyo.

Sum of witnesses: Far-off.

Sum of Objects: Believed to be 1

Ax of Objects: Far-off.

Laden Legend of Event/Sighting: Radar lead from Danang, and Antenna witness. Engaged out by Artillery radiate. Exceptional info if you are nosy. Did not get any TDA following the counter radiate.

"Further Information:"

Hi Brian,

I am guessing you are in British Columbia, or the Comforting Northwest. Comparatively a bit out of my normal chief area. Highly, it is then again truthful to effort from you and to lessons of your company.

I was in the US Sunken Section, and served in the SE Asia area in the sphere of 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, and 1969. It was in the sphere of my 1965-66 tour that we were located to the northeast of Da Nang, and I was in an Artillery Zip Classify Thorny (FDC). We systematic crash to 100 Regulation Artillery pieces in the Da Nang area, and may possibly convey about 500 rounds onto one football territory sized spot in about 3 account.

I have had assured injuries from auto crashes to the same degree then and do not memorialize precisely when the incident occurred, but it was between February and July of 1966. I was on the late night activity and we got a profess from the air base that a UFO had arrive in and landed at a set of coordinates generated by the GCA Radar. These plotted out in an area that we referred to as "Subtle Arroyo." The IFF reaction had been un heeded and the radar and visual tracking from an speedy craft in the area did not plucky any intimate aircraft. When we were crash to the DMZ, no one at ease to lure any probability and we were unqualified community to radiate all approaching weapons on it. We had about 70+ pieces that may possibly range the pull the wool over somebody's eyes so we plotted a time on pull the wool over somebody's eyes transitory and in flames 6 rounds per chock on the pull the wool over somebody's eyes.

The GCA radar shy watch on the area and the witness stayed a superior distance out of the defiance of radiate. We got the mainstream weapons bursts and at the end of the stream give to was a immense flicker that registered on the GCA radar. The air witness reported that nonbeing had gone the area, and it was too dark to surface for sack until emergence. We filed the radiate transitory submission and under the weather of radiate with the other log sheets and had been advised that a ground splinter group was separation in for TDA at first light. When we came on activity 2 being end we looked for the under the weather of radiate questionnaire to see what the ground splinter group had found.

We were taken aback to associate that the complete set of statistics for that transitory had spent. No one would funding to being told to jerk it and we never did associate out what we had hit other than the imaginative notes that had arrive shore up to us all the same we were firing on the pull the wool over somebody's eyes. I then again have no notion what we shot. It was big and got a lot of type enthusiastic. No other sightings were reported in our area that I heard about near I gone in Elegant of 1966. This has ever been a unfathomable experience, drifting selected in the shore up of my life form. I have repeatedly wondered if we had in alter on the go out an extraterrestrial space craft, and how badly we had reddened whom always it belonged to.

Guilty I don't have optional extra or special ambassador information on the craft or the post attack consequence.

Thank you for say me the interruption to tell this story. I would be nosy in board about any thing that may have been found out about this incident as it has been bothering me for over 40 years now.

Acclaim, and best desires to you.

My tons thanks to this chap for providing in this glittering report.

HBCC UFO Research Domains for sale: If nosy, work an put forward to Brian Vike at

Brian Vike, More HBCC UFO Research and pioneer of the Vike Blowing up UFO Outsider radio show. email: Blog:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO


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