UFOTV Presents... / UFOTV: David Adair at Section 51 - New Symbiotic Apparatus From: UFOTVstudios Oct 21, 2010 106,717 views Celestial technology deliverance psychiatric therapist and long-standing vigor burst kid David Adair speaks out for the first time on camera in this audition about his curious encounters surrounded by an alien engine, DOD agents, and Air Propel State-owned Curtis Lemay in 1971 at Fill in Band, Nevada (Area-51). Find first hand write down about exceptional alien technology and our military's most at once cautious secrets available the UFO phenomena. Adair explains how at age 17 he built an electro-magnetic containment plasma fusion vigor engine and was invited by Air Propel bigwigs to swear in it at White Sands Missal Assortment. That led to his being taken to Section 51 someplace he saw an engine that was light years higher than anything on Investigate - so upmarket it responded to the view and emotions of it's pilots. Now, everyday surrounded by the way UFO information is on or after to be standard by the American unexceptional, Adair has determined to touch the awesome truth which he tenable to himself for over 25 years. As well as in a daze are his meetings surrounded by accepted physicist Stephan Hawkings. NOW on DVD - Cat# U537 - Go to UFOTV.com
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