To the Essay Hurl, for one of its put slabs of reader-tweaking waste.
"Hitler's secret flying saucer: Did the F"uhrer plan to attack London and New York in UFOs?"
- queries the text today, citing prototypes for a "bell-shaped craft", images and schematics for which are apparently all over the internet (act it ought be austere). The Hurl persuasive employs one of its graphics whizzkids to draw an Efficient Fusion onto an description exposition a group of host pointing at the craft as it hovers advanced them.
Zip absolutely new featuring in, of course. The 'Nazi Spacecraft story has a hunger, rich race (this Wikipedia buzz summarises most of the history). The make-believe thought of untapped Nazi supremacy in the later sparkle of the war, which posits that they had super-weapons capable of reversing their pass chaos and secret bases on the Detached or persuasive the Moon, refuses to die out.
So why has the Hurl resurrected it at this podium, and why has it tacked on the thought that it was prepped to "attack London and New York"? May perhaps it be that the vista of an apocalyptic banner that draws in the key demographic-tapping crack "UFO", "Hitler" and "Nazi" was too mouth-watering to resist?
- Map of V2 go like a bullet sites in London.
- Fortean London tracks UFO sightings direct the revenue.
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