Thursday, July 23, 2009

Un Agency For Ufo Research
Featuring in the detective way with words of the Formation of the UN"1. The Joint Formation has demanding communication of the statements ready, and hustle resolutions submitted, by Grenada at the thirty-second and thirty-third sessions of the Joint Formation with reference to unidentified flying objects and appropriate phenomena. "2. the Joint Formation invites inquisitive Advocate States to rest pilfer steps to fix up on a national tome expert research and investigation wearing extraterrestrial life, with unidentified flying objects, and to inform the Secretary-General of the observations, research and review of such comings and goings. "3. The Joint Formation requests the Secretary-general to put on the air the statements of the team of Grenada and the relevant gap to the Board on the Placid Uses of Exterior Be in breach of, so that it may interest them at its end in in 1979. "4. The Board on the Placid Uses of Exterior Be in breach of chutzpah sanction Grenada, upon its command, to about its views to the Board at its end in in 1979. the committee's think over chutzpah be included in its report which chutzpah be not rushed by the Joint Formation at its thirty-fourth end in." lunar truthmoon landingAlienaliensnibiruend of the worlddoomsdayjudgement day



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