Friday, February 1, 2013

Legendary Bigfoot

By James Nye

PUBLISHED: 21:34 GMT, 15 January 2013 UPDATED: 21:34 GMT, 15 January 2013

Video of an intriguing covered nest-like structure found abandoned in Arizona is being hailed as a possible home of the legendary Bigfoot.

With a narrow entrance and hollowed inside, the lair is buried half under the ground in the wild woods of the Tonto National Forest on the Mogollon Rim.

Discovered in June of 2010 and featuring on Animal Planet's current 'Finding Bigfoot' series, the footage of the large mysterious den unfortunately offers up little evidence that the fabled giant ape ever dwelt inside.

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This unexplained structure in the forests around Arizona is believed by Bigfoot experts in the state to have housed the legendary ape-like creature

Filmed by Arizona researcher and Bigfoot expert Mitch Waite and his wife, Susan Farnsworth, the nest is reputed to be of the big-foot type creature called the Mogollon Monster, who crypto-zoologists believe inhabits the south west of the United States.

Sightings of the creature have been reported for decades by cowboys, drifters and forestry workers and some claim that the creature has attacked and mauled people.

The first reported sightings were in the early 1900s and continue to this day. Apache and Navajo native American people's have told the legend of the 'Big Hairy Man' or 'The Old Man of the Mountain' for hundreds of years.

According to Waite and Farnsworth, the Mogollon Monster has been seen in every corner of Arizona, however most center around the Mogollon Rim.

Bigfoot investigator Mitch Waite entered the nest head first to investigate what lived inside and what might still be inside

The den was abandoned and Waite did not find any evidence that would prove conclusively that Bigfoot ever lived in the nestThis is an escarpment that exists on the edge of the Colorado Plateau that runs 200 miles from Flagstaff into New Mexico.

The monster itself is described at standing seven to ten feet tall, with mostly brown and red hair. The creature is also described as having a strong musky odor.

In addition, reported witnesses have seen the monster engage in rock throwing, howling and chest thumping, all of which are behaviours observed by primate experts.

The famous Roger Paterson video of Bigfoot from the 1960s: Mitch Waite and his wife Susan Farnsworth have searched across Arizona for any traces of the mythic ape

Mitch Waite is an Arizona researcher of Bigfoot and has collected physical evidence in the form of footprints of the creatureWaite has collected footprints, hair samples and feces with the help of his investigative team and claim to have put together a series of photographs and videos which back up their claims.

On a camping trip near to Young, Arizona in 2008, Waite and Farnsworth claim to have had their tent collapsed by a marauding Bigfoot/mogollon monster.

When they returned they found a 19 inch footprint and what looked like an area the creature had used to sleep.

Watch Video: Is this the lair of Bigfoot in Arizona?

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