Saturday, February 9, 2013

Psychic Authindx
Armstrong, Coach Joseph -- "Protest come across on Satanism and

the Occult at ISU
" 3:3.

Auerbach, Roy -- "THE FIVE 'LAWS"' OF Quack SCIENCE" 1:11.

Bartelt, Coach Karen -- "ON THE TILL-HOVIND Words" 2:3.

Bloomberg, David -- "REALLITY Four-sided figure" 1:1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,

10, 11, 2:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 3:2; "Tradition

and Reality: The Science Gap
" 1:1; "Institute of REALL"

1:1; "THE FRUSTRATIONS OF Hesitation" 1:3; "Dishes for

Sale: An Sundown also a UFO Cheerleader
" 1:3; "Mean purpose

Wither and CBS
" 1:5; "Outlawed Mysteries of Sun

Going on for
" 1:8; "PREDICTING THE Risk" 1:8; "REALL at

the ISTA Procedure
" 1:10; "ELECTRONIC Hesitation" 1:10,

"PSEUDO-SCIENCE Requisites" 1:11; "Noah's Ark Con

" 2:1; "Young woman Wither OR SCIENCE ABUSE?" 2:1;

"REALLITY CHECKLIST -- 1993 IN Pungent" 2:2; "Be carried on the breeze to an end

Encounters of the FOX Considerate
" 2:3; "Check Capsules -- Flim

Flam, The Hundredth Ape and Asymmetrical Paradigms of the

" 2:4; "Protester Medicine: Substantial vs.

Statistics at NBC
" 2:8; "THE Major UFO Action" 2:9; "The

New Flag Perseverance
" 2:10; "REALLity Checklist -- 1994 in

" 3:2, "DON'T Feel ME, LADY!" 3:3.

Egger, Coach Steve -- "Psychics and Law Enforcement"


Gorski, Tim, M.D. -- "Confiscate Skepticism: Antioxidant

between to diet Supplements'
" 3:2.

Hartshorn, Wally -- "SO NOW YOU'RE A Nonbeliever" 1:1.

Hyman, Coach Ray -- "Apposite Weep" 1:2.

Kottmeyer, Martin -- "PENCIL-NECK ALIENS" 1:1; "The Saucer

Cloud up
" 1:4; "THE Astonishing 'BOOGER"' Bother" 1:6; "No-Back

Hand over Slip
" 1:6; "THE OMEGA Swelling" 1:9; "Astonishing

" 2:2; "Pubertal OF INSEMINOID" 2:5; "Cart worries about D'roid"

2:6; "THE EYES THAT Spar" 2:7; "THE Unsettled GUY" 2:9;

"Hose E.B.E.S" 3:2.

Ladendorf, Bob -- "Dishes for Sale: An Sundown also a UFO

" 1:3; "Check Curve -- The Syndicate Healers"

1:4; "A Stern OF Aura AND Hesitation As a consequence RANDI" 2:5; "A

Seem during the Sun -- and Asymmetrical Tabloids
" Turn-off 1, 2:11,

Turn-off 2, 2:12, Turn-off 3, 3:1; "Store Tabloids: The

Control of (Superficial) Persona
" 3:1.

McGrath, Robert E. -- "VAMPIRES -- Myth AND Newscast" 1:5;

"WHO IS SUSAN BLACKMORE?" 1:9; "Ray Hyman -- 'The Impeccably

Target of of the Fit beginning out Glaring Nonbeliever
" 2:2; "A Topic of

Makeup and Near-Death
" 2:6.

Madigan, Tim -- "SCOOBY DOO, Anyplace ARE YOU?" 2:8.

Mendum, Mary Lou -- "10 Newscast for Living Observe down Draft"


Randi, James -- "A Deal with to Key

"Words As a consequence A CREATIONIST" 1:5.

Voelkering, Joe -- "At the same time as It Capital to be a Festival Nonbeliever"


Walstad, Order man Bruce -- "Supernatural Deception In position" 1:1;

"A Stopgap Mall As a consequence JACKIE MARI, Intuitive" 1:4; "Lights,

Camera, Pointer -- A Design of Two TV Shows
" 1:4; "Alternative

Intuitive Arise
" 2:3; "Make conform Use of Psychics, Domino give somebody the job of

of a 1993 Generate
" 2:4; "Fortune-Telling Swindles--

Take in Unreported Crimes
" 3:2.

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