Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Genius And The Mobacracy Mackfuller And Harvard University Jean Cocteauufosouth Of France Dr John Mack Phd Scholar Hero In The Study Of Human
+SCHOLARS AS HEROS+ >john mack and buckminster fullershared deprecation by harvardsimpletons had unstable timeaccepting abductionsby alien beingsout of box expert unaceptableto backward univ. squaresjean cocteau and ufo researchin the south of francestrongly connected w/< +VICTOR HUGO=CHARLES NODIER+ (>all related to priory de sion /< >rennes le chateau historyfebruary 25th, 1942, ufo battle< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >marianne conway ray, my bride, is< >huddled in her cubicle w/ her< >mother as 14 hundreds of< >rounds are ablaze at a< ^^^^^^^^^ +GIANT Circular UFO< +OVER CULVER CITY-L.A.+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ >witnessed by thousands of< >astounded l. a. citizens< ^^^^^^^^^^^^ +"UFOs Boring CALIFORNIA"+ (>by preston dennett< >a able-bodied referencecalifornia desert< +THE Firework SCIENTISTS+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >and her physicist group who< >became a ufo party worker w/< >much dedication to the< +PHENOMINA+ ^^^^^^^ >she was fixed w/ the preference of< >the german scientists and met< +WERNER VON BRAUN+ >two special< +O C C A S I O N S+ >when he played german folk< >tunes on his accordian< ^^^^^^^^^^^^ +HISTORY Unbroken CIRCLE+ >july 1969 we gush the moon< >september 1969 i began< +SDSU ENV. DESIGN+ ^^^^^^^^^^ RNA ray, lajolla, california >eugene ray, mfa, architect< >professor emeritus, sdsu< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^


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