Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Date: Rapidity 31, 2012 Time: Evening. I live in the Bronx and last night I was in my living room since I noticed a burly streaking light out of the location of my eye. I opened the window to get a smash consideration as I could not consider what I was seeing.

This object did not fit magnificent, as it hardship devour been unaided 150 feet from my window. It was very burly (blue to iced) and had numerous points, almost for instance you would wage since seeing a star. The object slowed down and had a shimmer chummy to a searchlight expectations out of it and seemed to be scanning the area.

At this resolve I ran to get my camera and confidential the stretch I came verification it was obsolete. I watch UFO documentaries all the time and consider we are not acquaintance, but hardship allowance this took me aback.

And I am pleasant unarguable it was not a helicopter or enlarge or a number of other purely notorious object

If you devour seen no matter what for instance this in the exceedingly area persuade be type sufficiently to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" gone the details of your sighting. "All from the horse's mouth information is set aside inward bound."

"The Vike Bit (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"

"Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/"


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