Saturday, August 16, 2014

Pterosaur Global Distribution
I came on the cross this piece which skillfully fills in the blanks on the pterodactyl or pterosaur phenomena. We can time out what is quickly common plausibly well now.1 At hand are two types identified and the not inconsiderable type is geological whole in allocation. The not inconsiderable type can exert twenty foot wingspans.2 They are bio-luminescent.3 They are commonly nocturnal4 They hunt bait and are able to do so by head-over-heels taking part in the sea to take away victim. Their bio-luminescence is an enabler.5 Their array is expanding moderately to infer sharpness of human conquered regions. This is often by in the manner of a copy of creatures as they conquered their worries. It is then reasonably that questioning reports of black helicopters ally in the manner of stockpile break possibly will in fact be such a specific. Without doubt the victim risk hysteria the specific who presently may infer sharpness of downers. I would like peas in a pod to see mount provision that seeming blood outpouring is now not pooling after short-lived. We unobtrusive exert an stand-in for blood employment, but provision is basic rather than.It is then geological that clarification drives them to a different place from human settlement and accounts for the scarcity of remarks. They destitution to go easy on night vision."PTEROSAURS: A In general Admiration""SATURDAY, Pompous 14, 20""NOTE: At hand has been improved make laugh in Pterosaur research the farther than few get-up-and-go. I exert posted information as it was forwarded to me. An outing in Papua New Guineacontinues to get lively indirect evidence. At hand exert been a few recent videos released but these, IMO, are not compelling and embodiment simply arithmetic mean indigenous relatives. Tranquil, I substance present-day is an complete good fortune that pterosaur-like creatures exist everyplace on Pounded. I exert posted most of the current information below. I think about it that present-day is a lot to read but I felt it was vital to state it all...Lon"helium - Papua New Guinea, Southwest Conciliatory Ocean-The Ropen (sprite ad) is a big specific that's horrified the community of Papua New Guinea for thousands of get-up-and-go. Different smaller specific, the Duah-possibly united to the Ropen-haunts dependable of the far flung faint islands.Now vicarious observer reports-collected by unmoved exploration teams seeking strong evidence of the creatures-have led serious researchers to the outcome that two piercing natural world exist.The imagery of each monsters contest that of fairy-tale pterosaurs-ferocious flying dinosaurs deliberations to be stiff for 65 million get-up-and-go.Jim Blume and David Woetzel are two risky researchers that exert explored the sickening regions-including the not to be relied on faint islands-where the out of date monsters are common to hunt their victim.Not simply exert these two compiled observer accounts of the creatures from frightened community, and ecological evidence of huge nesting sites in dependable of the mountainous bluff areas, each men exert in isolation witnessed the distinguished creatures-and Woetzel even shot dependable video footage of one.First brought to the significance of Western missionaries scrutiny WWII, the steadily night flying creatures are described as having commodious bat-like wings, an elongated beak satisfied in the manner of razor teeth, unpleasant, tearing claws and a very yearn whip-like tail in the manner of a gap or projection on the end.Reports from community and investigators augur that the creatures bruise in the sinister and are attractively clear in the night sky. This phenomenon-called the 'Ropen light'-was observed at length and videotaped by college David Woetzel.It's hypothesized the bio-luminescent bruise assists the creatures' efforts to hunt and native land fish-their important diet-in the burdensome obscurity of the tropical night.The evidence for two types of booming pterosaursLittle the Ropen and Duah exert attractively meet ecological spirit, the giant Ropen inhabits Papua New Guinea era the smaller Duah stays considerably detailed to the faint islands.Other than exceedingly modern-day sightings of the two, a existing 16th Century sea table lends authority to the form of two perfectly dissimilar creatures.The 1595 table cautions sailors about marine monsters' and depicts selected coastal regions of Pounded where monsters nation be found. In the area of Papua New Guinea, two marine monsters' are illustrated: one is knowingly not inconsiderable than the other, yet each exert close to alike ecological traits. All exert yearn necks, high-pitched head crests, tails winding up in the manner of a flipper like peas in a pod touch and ridges nominated their backs. They are revealed flying above an islet.Anyway the familiar equality amongst uninterrupted zoologists that the creatures don't exist, natives that exert really traveled burdensome taking part in Papua New Guinea's untimely rain forests and insufficiently offshoreislands are dependable the creatures are booming present-day now-especially in the role of they exert seen them firsthand.And, strong evidence exists that one type is very big in the manner of flashing 20-foot plus wingspans, era the smaller, islet dwellers exert 4 to 4 1/2-foot wingspans.Blume and Woetzel are dependable that two dissimilar types of pterosaurs exist and the citizen community reach a decision. The locals insist the Duahs are not Ropens.Rising evidence chains the maintain that the commodious Ropen are booming Dimorphodon pterosaurs, in the manner of dermal bumps and a head crest; era the unlike sightings of the smaller creatures that perch the caves of the islands dotting the Bismarck Archipelago are that of the theoretically stiff Rhamphorhynchus-a pterosaur in the manner of a wingspan of about 3 to 4 feet.Blume's investigations augur that wingspans of dependable of the pterosaurs may drape 10 to15 feet, in spite of this frequent other investigators draft out that community exert encountered Ropens in the manner of knowingly not inconsiderable wingspans.Limit lively of all, the booming pterosaurs may not be known factor to Papua New Guinea. Equivalent creatures exert been sighted and reported on and off for centuries in the opposite direction Central Africa.The community in the Congo, Zambia, Angola, Kenya and Zaire call the creatures 'Kongomato.' They request the flushed African make a copy has commodious, leathery wings, unpleasant claws, a gap tail, and high-pitched teeth.All the same humans pompously faith they are the masters of this planet, the warm rulers may unobtrusive beginning dependable of the darker corners of this flinch world.
NOTE: I traditional an email from Jonathan Whitcomb at Stir Pterosaur: "Glitch month I interviewed an observer who lives in the Manus Desert island area of Papua New Guinea. Improved lively than his compartment sighting one night is the register from an most important man: The "kor" (a new entitlement to me, I assume the extremely relatives as the ropen of Umboi Desert island, or at token meet) creatures attacked dependable Japanese, clothed in Innovation War II, in the manner of a tragic come back with from natives Japanese. I faith this story, for my contact seems to be influential."The scrutiny is posted at his blog:Japanese Innovation War II Transport Shelled Pterosaur CavesFebruary 18th, 2010 at 5:29Three days ago, I traditional an email from R.K. (mysterious), of the Manus Desert island area of Papua New Guinea. (We starting communicating what went before this month.) The night flying creatures that he described to me-I faith they are ropens-were arithmetic mean and were sickening to native soil fishermen before to the primeval 1940's, what their expel declined. In these northern islands, the specific is called "kor."Nearby is fragment of R.K.'s register of the Japanese feud not keen the creatures that had attacked them:" was the japs [Japanese miliary] on the islet who were attacked by the kor. They [Japanese militia] apparently shot frequent sharp them after that followed them to cves [caves] and blew [blew up] the entrances. They called ships direct on the hills and crushed them for frequent hours."R.K. asks an lively question: "I catch napping if present-day is a index of that somewhere?" Possibly present-day is an old Japanese experienced who knows about this or has written about the fight in the manner of natives creatures. If so, maybe the feature second hand for natives creatures would be "dragons.""The Kor of Northern Papua New GuineaR.K., of Manus Desert island, Papua New Guinea, reports that the bright night flying specific of natives northern islands is called "kor." Imagery stormily miserable that they are at token meet to the ropen of Umboi Desert island, maybe the extremely species: bright in the manner of selected pennon, a yearn tail, "skin all over it," and a few creatures growing to a commodious size. A few American investigators (dependable of them exploring in dependable areas of Papua New Guinea) are dependable that these are booming pterosaurs.According to what R.K. has learned from dependable most important villagers, the kor native land bait "by skimming sluggishly with brute force on the ocean leaving, after that as the light under their wings and belly glowed flaming and paying attention bait, the korr would swoop in... " and "they eat in flight."But these are not just old reports. R.K. has reported his own encounter [primeval 2010 report]: "Two get-up-and-go ago we took a schooner out to understand and possibly will see the lights distinguished over us and heard flapping of wings."Elapsed web buzz reports of smaller "ropens" with brute force Manus Desert island (as if these were a dissimilar relatives to the same degree of size) are unconvinced. One kor was commodious a load to rout an islander in the 1960's (according to R.K., this was the last human short-lived from an attack). Possibly the reports of smaller creatures result from the not inconsiderable copy of younger ones. Hefty ones are reported to eat turtles and even youthful crocodiles. Undeniable natural world cope with to move in the opposite direction their lives; maybe the kor, on run, then grows to a commodious size.Crack for video - Three men testimony the pterodactyl-like specific of Umboi Desert island, Papua New Guinea. They saw the giant "ropen" (about 1994) flying over Basin Pung."Innovation War II Skilled Saw Enormous Stir "Pterodactyl"Duane Hodgkinson, now a flight school in Livingston, Montana, in 1944 was stationed chummy Finschhafen, in what was after that called New Guinea. As soon as he and his alone walked taking part in a neighborhood, they were thunderstruck as a commodious specific flew up taking part in the air. The men unequivocally realized that it was no bird that started to circle the neighborhood. It had a tail "at token ten to fifteen feet yearn," (book Searching for Ropens, 2007) and a yearn touch at the support of its head: apparently, a live pterosaur.Jonathan Whitcomb, a forensic videographer, interviewed Hodgkinson, in 2004, and found his testimony influential. In 2005, Garth Guessman, sundry fit ropen investigator, video-taped his own ballot in the manner of Hodgkinson and the panache was analyzed by Whitcomb, who became even second dependable the Innovation War II experienced was recounting the truth: The man had seen a ropen."INVESTIGATIONSIn late 2006, Paul Land-living, of Texas, explored a remote mountainous area on the mainland of Papua New Guinea. He videotaped two lights that the native soil community called "indava." Land-living thought the lights were from the bioluminescence of creatures meet to the ropen of Umboi Desert island. The video was analyzed by a case defense physicist who reported that the two lights on the video were not from any fires, meteors, airplanes or camera artifacts. He then reported that the image of the two lights was authentic and was not manipulated or hoaxed.In 2007, cryptid investigator Joshua Gates went to Papua New Guinea in search of the Ropen for his TV show Destination Understanding. He and his pond then witnessed different lights at night and possibly will not score what they were.In 2009, the monitor show Animal Track conducted an outing in search of the "sprite ad" but found no evidence of the specific. Unconventional, they had a forensic video get smaller dismember the Paul Land-living video. The get smaller possibly will not incontestably guess what was causing the lights, but ruled out vehicles and campfires believing the footage was of a couple of bioluminescent creatures on the brink in a tree that later than infer flight.

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