Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Kisah Ufo Encounter Papua New Guinea Ufo Encounters
Hai Readers.. Sori lama ga apdet.. Abisnya kemaren PC baru ganti ram..

Okeh, relocation kali ini mau bahas UFO encounter di papua nugini yang terjadi taun 50an, gini-gini..

Summary: William B. Gill, seorang pendeta misionaris di Bosinai, Papua New Guinea, dia menyaksikan penampakan UFO disana 2 hari berturut-turut pada 26-27 juni, 1959. Kalo UFO doang mah biasa, tapi dia ngeliat UFO+alien di atasnya! Kurang lebih 25 penduduk setempat, termasuk prudent dan tenaga medis juga ngeliat fenomena ini. Penampakan ini mengawali 60 penampakan di minggu-minggu berikutnya

Menurut J. Allen Hynek, selama 1958 - 1959 ada lebih dari 60 penampakan UFO di Papua New Guinea. dimana sebagian gede terjadi di gunung Pudi, deket base misionaris di Boianai. New Guinea waktu itu masih bagian dari Australia, dan Australian Anglican Cathedral ngirim banyak misionaris kesana. Salah satunya Romo William Park Gill, dan dia seorang skeptis.

Tapi ke skeptisannya berubah pada 5 April, 1959, Romo Gill ngeliat cahaya di gunung Pudi yang ga berpenghuni, terus tanggal 21 Juni, Stephen Moi Gill, asistennya romo Gill, ngeliat piring terbang di area itu.

Penampakan itu cuma pembuka dari penampakan yang bakal terjadi setelahnya..

Jam 6:45 pada 26 juni, Romo Gill dan 38 saksi laen ngeliat cahaya putih di barat daya langit. Keliatan jelas itu adalah sesuatu yang berbentuk clique dengan 4 kaki yang besarnya 5x bulan purnama. Di atas clique itu ada 4 'makhluk' aneh. 4 makhluk itu sempet ngilang sebelum muncul lagi 5 menit kemudian. Disebutin kalo tiap beberapa saat sekali wispy berwarna biru bakal muncul dari UFO itu dan ngarah ke langit.

UFO itu muncul sampe pukul 7:30, sebelum UFO itu ngilang ke awan. Pukul 8:30, beberapa UFO yang lebih kecil muncul, terus pukul 8:50, UFO yang pertama muncul lagi sampe pukul 10:50, sebelum awan muncul dan menutupi UFO itu.

Romo Gill langsung bikin laporan tentang penampakan itu dan ditandatangani 25 saksi laen. Besoknya, UFO+alien itu muncul lagi bareng 2 UFO yang lebih kecil pada 6:00 p.m. Penasaran, Romo Gill dadah-dadah ke makhluk yang ada di atas UFO itu. Kagetnya, makhluk di atas UFO itu juga bales dadah-dadah tanpa ragu! Pukul 6:30, Romo Gill makan malem sampe 7:00, pas dicek lagi, UFO itu masih ada tapi menjauh. terus pukul 7:45 UFO itu ilang..

Besok sorenya, UFO itu muncul untuk terakir kalinya. Romo Gill ngitung ada 8 UFO pada pukul 6:45 p.m. Pada 11:20, tiba-tiba ada suara keras di atas atap. Romo Gill ngecek keluar dan ngeliat 4 UFO di atas bangunan tempat dia tidur, UFO itu ada terus sampe di pergi tidur. Besoknya, tanggal 29, dia ngecek atap dan ga ada apapun di atapnya.

Kisah ini langsugn jadi hits di papua nuw ginea dan masuk koran segala:

Wow, seru ya? kalo dipikir-pikir kayanya ga mungkin Romo Gill ngehoax, doalnya sampe masuk koran dan dia punya laporan yang ditandatangani 25 orang..

Menurutku sih ini asli, ga dibuat-buat, menurut Readers?

Espacio En Blanco Misterios De Google Earth
Esta noche en la segunda hora de Espacio en Blanco en RNE, vamos a tratar un tema curioso, tan amplio que solo tendremos tiempo para hacer un peque~no resumen. Los misterios que el programa de localizaci'on v'ia sat'elite de Google Earth est'an en la red desde hace varios a~nos proponiendo preguntas, resolviendo enigmas y haciendonos ver el mundo desde otra perspectiva. Hoy nos adentraremos en los misterios de los circulos de las cosechas, que aparecen en invierno dejando se~nal en el hielo que se deposita sobre los nuevos sembrados. Un remanente de la energ'ia que dobl'o las plantas en verano.Esto solo ha podido ser comprobado v'ia sat'elite. Tambi'en tocaremos la posibilidad de que exista ciertas respuestas de las personas al fen'omeno de los crop circles con dise~nos en arena. Estudiaremos la exactitud de los dise~nos ya que Google Earth nos permite ver los dibujos desde un punto de vista extremadamente alto, lo que nos permite discernir entre las figuras aut'enticas y falsas desde otra 'optica.

Entre otros, estudiaremos los siguientes enigmas:

-Petroglifos en Lanzarote, Sud'africa, nazca y Rusia.-Pir'amides enterradas en Per'u.-Figuras geom'etricas en el desierto de Nevada y en terrenos militares chinos. La m'itica 'area 51 y la 52.-Diferentes avistamientos OVNI: Australia, Jap'on, Florida. Normalmente en puntos calientes de actividad. Tambi'en vistos en Google Street View. Tambi'en los del Costa Concordia.-Construcciones submarinas: Canarias, Om'an, Florida y Mar de Jap'on.-Visiones marianas: Pareidolias y efectos 'opticos pol'emicos en la red.-Misterios submarinos: Avistamientos del craken, barcos hundidos, lago Ness.-Zonas borradas del mapa: una regi'on muy determinada de Siberia, Corea del Norte, La Antartida, instalaciones de investigaci'on de armas biol'ogicas.-Pir'amides enterradas en Argelia, accidentes de avi'on extra~nos, pareidolias y curiosidades.

1.Avebury, Wiltshire. 2005. Se~nales que aparecen en la nieve, cuando los campos ya han vuelto a crecer las plantas.

2. Visto en 2006. Aparecido en 2005 con la cosecha terminada.

3. Crop circle Inglaterra, Avebury 53^031'54.33"N 1^021'24.93"W

4. Inglaterra. Respuesta a los crop circles

5. Lanzarote, Petroglifo. 28^053'59.20"N 13^044'51.95"W

6. South Africa. Espirales 30 0029.69 S 21 06 05.32 E

7. Ampliaci'on espirales.

8. Similar a Nazca.

9. Humanoide. Nazca 19o 56'57.90'S 69o38'03.07'O

10. Lineas de Nazca en RUSIA

11. 2008. Per'u. 9000 m2. Pir'amides. Infrarrojo y google Earth. 37^024'1.66"N 116^051'58.85"W

12. Estrella de seis puntas. Desierto de Nevada.

13. Estructuras misteriosas China.

14. Alineaci'on 'optica de sat'elites.

15. Mud Lake nevada, EE.UU. 37^037'38.49"N 116^050'26.44"W

16. Flying Saucer Google Street View Australia

17. Australia. Antena u OVNI 30^030'38.44"S 115^022'56.03"E

18. Meteorito u OVNI, Jap'on

19. Playa de Florida OVNI

20. Costa Concordia y OVNIS

21. Ampliaci'on naufragio Costa Concordia.

22. Cubos submarinos, Japon. 17 de Diciembre de 2008.

23. Oman, Anillos submarinos

24. Triangulos esclenos en el mar. 34^024'42.28'N 75^056'7.59'W

25. Ciudad subterr'anea. Islas Canarias

26. Pir'amide enterrada, Argelia, 1 de Agosto de 2009.

27. Kraken Australia

28. Lago Ness

29. Quarten Suiza, Sant Gallen A3 Quarten

30. Pareidolia Jesus. Hungr'ia

31. Area 51 pruebas nucleares

32. Babilonia, Irak

33. Area 51

34. Siberia, zona desconocida Egvekinot, Russia

35. Bottomless pit, Libia

36. Agujero, China, 9 de Enero de 2009

37. Dugway Proving Ground in Dugway, Utah, armas biol'ogicas y qu'imicas

38. Tiahuanaco Bolivia

39. Arcos en Parma

40. Islas Canarias. Transbordador 8/9/2011

41. Indio con Ipod. Pareidolia. Frontera EE.U. Canada ALBERTAS. 50^0 0'38.19"N 110^0 6'48.31"W

42. Pareidolia labios Sudan

43. 12^022'13.32"N, 23^019'20.18"E. Pareidolia labios Sudan

44. Chernobyl antigua. comparaci'on.

45. Dunas en forma de estrella, Argelia

46. Argelia. Superficie invisible apoyada en la arena.

47. Monta~na del Diablo, Wyoming

48. Accidente de avi'on en la Antartida

49. Construcci'on con forma de esv'astica nazi. California 32^040'33.83"N 117^0 9'28.36"W

50. Kenia.

51. Area 52. Pir'amide.

52. Barco hundido, Australia

53. Los zetas, cartel de droga. Frontera mexico EE.UU

54. Avion sumergido. Long beach, NY

55. Avion en Parking, Alemania (curiosidad aun no resuelta)

56. Bar'on rojo (curiosidad), Alemania

57. Espiral art'istica en Egipto (detalle).

58. Espiral art'istica en Egipto

59. 18^020'39.01"N 66^045'8.79"W Arecibo,puerto rico

60. Arbol azul en Australia. Curiosidad.

Ufopolis.NET 2012.

Si te ha gustado el reportaje, puedes hacer click en los enlaces de publicidad para ayudar a la p'agina en sus pr'oximos art'iculos. Muchas Gracias.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Crashed Ufos In The Uk
THERE'S ANOTHER NEW ARTICLE FROM ME at "MYSTERIOUS UNIVERSE", this one surrounding a highly controversial issue: so-called "British Roswell"-type events. It starts like this:

"Back in 1996, I received a number of stories - some from retired, British military personnel - suggesting that if I wanted to find out what the British Government "really" knew about UFOs - and particularly so "crashed" UFOs - I would be wise to focus my attentions not so much on the work of the Ministry of Defense, but on that of the Home Office. Although the Home Office is chiefly known for its work in the fields of counter-terrorism, immigration, and crime policy, there are indications that its work delves into far deeper, and much more mysterious, areas, too.

"According to several of the accounts provided to me back in '96, the Home Office oversaw the security surrounding a number of secret, underground bunkers located across the south and southwest of England. They were built as fortified havens for senior military and government personnel, in the event of a nuclear strike on the UK by the Soviets during the Cold War. I was advised, however, that deep within two of the bunkers were stored the remains of a number of alien bodies - all preserved in cryogenic states."

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Mufon Strange Witness Encounter Reports
NOTE: the back up two posts are recent MUFON onlooker reports. I assertion cleaned up the spelling and sentence structure a bit...but assertion not unlike the context of the anecdotes. BTW, these accounts are very odd and comparatively unexpected IMO. I'm not going to say that these are fabrications but they are easy. Extremely, we all craving a pronounced roll with laughter taking into consideration in a even though...Lon

"In previously supplier of 1989, I lived later than my aunt and uncle so I may perhaps clear up in the actual academia subject I assertion been going to bearing in mind the onset of the day. My grandparents raised me and my grandfather was very sick and in the hospice. So each one stage set I have to clear up later than my aunt to disconnect out the academia day.

I slept in my cousin's room, who was away at bookish at the time. I continually fixed firmly my bedroom doorway via I split out cold. I had a hatefulness of celebration breaking in the house and pain me.

One very previously crack of dawn, I was awakened by a strong sense of celebration in my room trust very supposition to me. I opened up my eyes and turned to my dead. I may perhaps not bind my eyes! Near was this thing, about toddler-sized looking opposite at me. It very considerably reminded me of Br'er Rabbit's Tar Babe-in-arms (yes, I meet what you're lessons...Lon).

It had beady red eyes and a plastered on sneer. The global being looked the same as used oil. It was very black and viscous. I wasn't terrified, but precisely prying as to how this thing got in my room later than the doorway fixed firmly.

I kept looking at it for uncommon miniature or so and put the sheets over my head and wished the thing would go away via I realized I would be tense. A miniature or so agreed by, and I heard my fixed firmly doorway give off sociable. I pulled the canvas down off my head and watched as that thing flew out the doorway. The doorway calmly closed opposite astern it. I did not imagine to get up and relock the doorway.

The succeeding crack of dawn at worry, I asked my aunt, uncle and my other cousin if they had came stylish my room for no matter which in the night. They all believed they didn't and I never brought it up another time.

"It's been a long time and I was very young at the time (1990)...7 years old.

I woke up on my top drivel and saw a persuasive light under the doorway full to the room astern mine. I got up and went to sociable the doorway lessons celebration in my family connections was bad feeling cohort rigorous, I was unyielding to tell them to uncommunicative up like I was trying to sleep. I opened the doorway and saw what looked the same as 3 skeletons but where the joints have to be, you may perhaps calm see the gap in the bones...but the joints were calm organize. They had heads oppressive to ours, not inflated or overinflated the same as refinement overall designate 'Greys'. Seeing that I walked in I saw the light was imminent from their eyes. I'll never consistently escape it, bright golden-haired light warm in orders beams that revolt out merely over disaffect.

I flipped out for a exhibit...the same as seeing a large spider makes you kind of realignment up and flap your wrists surrounding like you are entirely freaked out. In addition to I yelled for my parents and my cloudy brother as loud as I may perhaps and the "aliens" eyes stopped rise. The one in the center told me "your family connections can't stick you". I yelled very furiously "what the hell did you do to my family!" and ran towards him in an enterprise to state them insistently. In addition to their eyes looked the same as they were on bushfire later than the actual golden-haired light but in dancing conflagration. They screamed at me later than their mouths which looked very comic, as bit their lips were swiftly pulled opposite, very thin lips, pleasingly skinny thin face dimness unconventional bodyguard color (firm parts were dimness bodyguard, others were light bodyguard). I stopped and believed "ok, you win, I didn't the same as them that considerably in detail". They kind of wobbled and bounced in drape in a comic way and seemed to roll with laughter. In addition to the one in the center asked "why aren't you asleep?" I told him, "your in my house in need pass, why don't you explanation my questions". he believed "what do you want?", I believed "what do YOU want?". him - "ask your questions". me - "are you angels?", he shook his head no. me - "are you demons?". He shook his head no. me - "then what the hell are you, like I've never seen suchlike the same as you via and I make sense of Zoobooks all the time and assertion never heard of uncommon monster the same as you comment from refinement." he believed "refinement hang on us aliens". I believed "the same as defile aliens? my dad's continually cohort fun of them". him - "no matter which the same as that, space aliens. we don't live on your planet". me - "then where the hell do you live? you're informer me you aren't angels, you're not demons, you're blatantly not refinement...anything dude, you lost me." He laughed and his companions looked at every person other. I got pissed off and preventive and believed "don't be a butthole!" he believed - "it's ok, you're exercise this self-important than any adult." (paused for a miniature and talked in the company of every person other) I believed - " HEY! I'm calm popular." they believed - "what do you want?" I believed - "don't be a smartass" (if you can't tell by now I was a horrible mouthed kid and beloved cussing, for anything deliberate it was precisely so amazing to me opposite then, the innovation that talking in fact had certainty...not so these time). He believed - "no, I mean what do YOU would like, if you may perhaps assertion suchlike in life, what would it be" I believed - "a lot of fly in the face of, all the fly in the face of in the world". him - " seriously?" me - " yeah you're rectify, they continually tell me in church that is a egotistical appetite"

At this turn I started postulate about all this charge in church and about how brainchild is continually luxury the unexplained than fly in the face of. (opposite in the past I meant in God and all the nonsense that is spick and span religion). I told them, - "I would like brainchild, I would like as considerably brainchild as practicable and the intensity of how to use it, that's what I have to would like right? I would like to be in essence, in essence quick, smarter than each one else. I would like to meet up the regard of life, that's what each one says is the decisive explanation and hesitation right? that's what my brother believed yesterday. And I would like to be in essence strong too." him - " yeah, that's pronounced, we can do that, but you've got to let us give you" me - " what do you mean give me? you can't precisely snatch me, I can't in essence custody you, you did precisely break stylish my house and may assertion killed my family connections". him - "I told you, your family connections is now then, they're precisely out cold." me - "that's permission what a troublesome would say". him - " go review after we hole." me - "ok". him - "but here's your appetite, Sedateness. The explanation to the regard of life is Sedateness. You don't find out Sedateness". me - "what's Gravity?" him - " permission". me- "what the hell are you language about?" him - "you'll find out in the past you're cloudy" me - "how considerably older?" him - "your late teenage years previously twenties" all through the altercation I had begun persuasive nearer and nearer to him as we talked, at this turn my eyes started adjusting to the doubtfulness and I saw that he wasn't persuasive his chat in the past he talked. And then I got freaked out and yelled "Alright! that's precisely too much! what are you! tell me rectify now!" and I got in my brother's karate outlook. Their eyes all began to neutral golden-haired and looked the same as they were scorching the same as bright golden-haired conflagration in their eye sockets. I threw my hands down and believed, "I'm over and done with later than this, get out, give confidence".

I went opposite stylish my room and closed the doorway. I came opposite precisely as swiftly as I had closed the doorway yelling even though I was walking to the doorway "Trice time you platform by pop group the damn carillon you assortment of..." I had opened the doorway by this turn and they were gone astray. I turned on the light conversation checkered out the room, went sad and checkered each and every one room in the house (put away the vault like it tense the heck out of me at the time), went opposite upstairs, woke up my brother who asked me what I pleasing to which I replied "precisely cohort sure you're living the same as they promised" my brother - "the same as who promised? the aliens" I believed as I dead his room to go to my parents room. I woke up my parents, they asked "what's wrong?" I believed - "organize was a name in the house I precisely pleasing to review and see if you guys were o.k." my mom freaked out and woke up my dad and believed "(my dad's signature) get up! there's a name in the house." My dad flipped up in essence abstention and believed "what?" my mom - " (me) believed organize is celebration in the house, get your gun" I believed - "it's freezing, they dead, I took confidence of it I postulate" my dad was prior to up loading his gun and believed "where were they?" I believed "in the den downstairs?" he believed, me-" nope, the one succeeding to my room. They're not in organize anymore" dad - "how normal were there?" me - "three, but they aren't refinement." dad- "what?" me - "I don't meet up" dad - "did you assertion a nightmare?" me..."nope".

My dad went to go review it out and I stayed in their bedroom later than my mom. He came opposite and believed nobody was organize now. They were both freaked out and asked if I was sure I didn't precisely assertion a swanky, and I believed I didn't meet up. They both looked at every person other and my dad believed, "Yeah bud, you precisely had a swanky, go opposite to sleep".

The succeeding crack of dawn at worry I asked each one all these questions the same as what an alien was, what's strictness, etc. My parents gave part answers and then asked why I pleasing to meet up. I told them my them about the night via. My dad mocked me as bit I was trying to lie to him. I told him "then how do I meet up what an alien is? How do I meet up the tale gravity! I'm 7! (I was pissed)" and slammed both fists on the table as shrill as I may perhaps and believed "if you don't would like to bind me like you're tense then that's ok, but don't hang on me a relater, I meet up what I saw". my brother then asked my parents "cooool, did (me) see aliens?" my dad - "nooooooo, (in a strange heavens that I in the same way as intellectual he very soon uses in the past he's lying to refinement) I told him, "If you don't assertion suchlike nice to say, don't say suchlike at all". My dad threatened to hit me and my mom stepped in and believed "why don't we precisely platform language about it." I believed - "but isn't that amazing! I'm gonna tell everyone! What did I see? What was it? Do you guys meet up no matter which I don't?" My mom believed " (me)...don't tell self about it, silent if you do bind it's excellent. They'll precisely postulate you're gray obliterate or out of control, you'll get the actual counterattack from each one else that you got from us and let down, refinement will write off as fun of you and intimidate you" I believed - "Mom, I'm the chief kid in my celebrate, I do the singling out". My dad laughed, and I never talked about it to self consistently another time.

Have confidence in what you would like, it happened. I've checkered my room, closets, nearby place to stay, each and every one night bearing in mind. For the succeeding 6 months even though I would repeatedly get older go to sleep on one drivel bed and wake up up on the other later than the bed I went to sleep on entirely unclothed of it's sheets. Sometimes I'd wake up up later than my body turned surrounding where my feet were the night via and not remember consistently accomplishment up. Customarily bearing in mind then I've had ills later than having forty winks, my memories date opposite to in the past I was 6 months old in a shopping cart, my IQ was 160 in the past I sensible to West Amount in my junior day of high academia. I've continually been insanely strong for my body dimensions, my veins are bright blue no make how tan I get, nature of all types honey me suddenly and I can exact via body oration pleasingly well, and merely, I've begun machinist on a Quantum Physics paper that redefines all science and existence itself... a paper that presents inexorable evidence in both a Unified Idea of Something and describes in silly detail what the Unified Sink of Species is.

MUFON: Strange See Reunion News summary

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ufo Sighting In Morehead
I just drop off my kid at practice coming down the 32 flemingsburg rd Going down to tow got to were vet n a sawmill are was on the hill getting ready to go down the hill n a big white disk shape it had a point in front sharp like a knife to likev3/4 of the way back it was dome on top n flat on bottom till the end it went back to a point it mite have change shape or mb cus real shinny white but it look like it was I only seen it for a few seconds not the only one I seen here in morehead ky seen a cigar shape goin slow on my sons birthday in 09 ex my kids n nabior seen that one

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Black Triangle Ufo Sightings Near Youngstown Ohio
Habitually for example the sighting of the famous 'Belgium Black' triangle UFO in 1990 (depicted) reports of these craft wear make more sweeping. I standard this captivating email from a reader today

Hi, Lon, I'm a long-time reader of your Phantoms and Monsters site. I make up the site is sharp. You commemorate dependable of the most captivating and out of the ordinary important.

I refreshing to email you about two objects I've seen in the sky over an next to two week moral.

Cap, I gratify to start by betraying you that nearest month leave be the 25th public holiday of my being an amateur astronomer. I began in July, 1985, and wear continued to this day. I wear two telescopes and three pairs of giant binoculars, 9 x 63, 10 x 70, and 11 x 80. I've used up major hours under the night sky in 25 years, and until fair thoroughly saw one thing that I couldn't free, bankroll in July 1996, on every occasion I watched a muscular, encircling white object self-possession over my neighbors house for atypical proceedings, prior speeding off inside the sky.

Tuesday night, May 26, I went out with the 11 x 80 binoculars. The are slightly crook, so I had a near to the ground table on our bankroll date nearest to me. I knelt on a mammoth on the date and braced my elbows on the table to case the binoculars from jiggling. I was looking in a southern handling at the character Spica. I had put the binoculars down for a tiny and was scanning the night sky on every occasion my close attention was mystified by a red light forthcoming my way. The light wasn't irregular, but profuse plane lights don't elevation care for they are irregular seeing that of the angle they are at until they get next to fitting on top of you, this has happened to me profuse get older. I watched for a few moments, and realized that the light unhurried wasn't irregular, so I picked up the binoculars and skilled them on the light. While I saw perplexed me. The object in my binoculars was a black triangle. A very unprofessional black triangle. There was one unblinking red light at the presupposition of the object on the triangle turn, and two blue lights on the bankroll. None of the lights were irregular. I watched the object as it approached me, next to overhead. There was no splendidly material from it. Exact as it was next to overhead, it ready and incisive, cringe-making 90 ingredient right and sped off. I lost it bring down the house, and by the time I got a few to the presupposition sow it was older. The object was wandering from east to west on every occasion it turned, (as I was mask it, it turned to my fitting), and quiet up going in a northern handling. I've never seen at all care for that in the sky prior.

Holder night, Monday June 7, my 13 court old young person and I went outside with my get smaller a few 10:00. We set up the get hold of, which took a few proceedings. The night was excellently clear, with profuse stars traceable, calm down bother the bankroll sow has dependable light dirt from the car port light. We were looking at the sky at some point in my 10 x 70 binoculars. I noticed a muscular red object another time forthcoming at some point in the sky. As it got faster, my young person asked me why it wasn't irregular. I looked at it at some point in the binoculars and saw another time that it was singular black triangle, this one with really conflicting lights. This object had two red lights in the bankroll, one white light in the way, and one white light in the presupposition, on the turn of the triangle top. None of the lights were irregular. I handed the binoculars to my young person and told her to elevation at it and tell me what she saw. She looked at it and alleged in a demoralized talk about, "Mom, that is NO plane! It's a black thing, and it's triangle fashioned. I don't see any wings!" She was alarmed, and handed me the binoculars. The object came on the cross the sky, going this time from west to east. Behind another time, as it was next to on top of us, it ready a cringe-making 90 ingredient right, (this time to our deceased as we faced it), and sped off to the north. This time I ran a few to the presupposition sow, and was able to trail it for a few seconds as it went off, last but not least speeding up and vanishing. My young person was very alarmed and snobbish language about what she'd seen, and how it ready perpendicular no give a buzz as it accepted next to over us. We both definitely that the object was next to the mound of a pencil eraser absorbed at arm's coil. The night was more readily arrangement, with not a great deal coil at all, so a plane that big should wear ready dependable give a buzz that disappear to us, we can unnoticeably sense the give a buzz of smaller planes waste a great deal better overhead on relaxed nights.

My young person was very demoralized and refreshing to go in, but I definitely her to befall out for a tiny what time. We looked at Mars, Regulus, Saturn, Spica and Arcturus for a few a not whole hour prior we came in. As at full tilt as we came in, I told her to sit down and draw what she'd seen, what time I went in singular room and drew what I saw. Our drawings were match.

Contemptible this is so craving, but I did suited gratify to tell you what we did see, and what I saw last week. I live in Ohio, outside the Youngstown area. I plan on supervision an eye on the night sky after this, and I'm next going to case a camera concrete in case I see one of these objects another time so I can try to get a picture. To me it's next to curious that I've seen two such objects that I can't free in two weeks, after thoroughly seeing one object in 25 years of previous night time stargazing! Julie

NOTE: I'd be very nosy to get into shut up shop sightings. There wear been profuse triangular fashioned UFOs reported the olden few years....but, the recent numeral of reports is amazing IMO. The MUFON and NUFORC appreciate report pages when all's said and done wear at smallest possible one shut up shop sighting several day. I'm slightly sure profuse more of these sightings go unreported...Lon

Black Triangle UFO Sightings With regard to Youngstown, Ohio

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ufo Investigator Frank Warren Have Written A Book
AZTEC UFO Strait ">On Thursday's show, problem-solving relator Linda Moulton Howe open a 3-part report on a UFO crash bestow Aztec, New Mexico in 1948. The crash merely usual precision when it was allegedly referred in the 'Hottel comment,' one of the FBI's released documents on their new leap website. She interviewed hypothetical Scott Ramsey, who bring down in Suzanne Ramsey and UFO investigator Directly Search attach written a book, The Aztec Incident: A Rebirth in Hart Chasm, which motion improve out later this engagement.

Ramsey discussed the Hottel memo's attachment to a crashed disc in Hart Chasm, burned alien bodies, and otherwise UFO books by Directly Scully, and William Steinman which reported on the 1948 incident bestow Aztec. According to witnesses, the sharp craft, which was about 100 ft. in diameter had a staircase that came out, and portholes from which they viewed about 14-16 charred bodies of tiny beings that weighed right to be heard 40 lbs. whichever, and had 4-fingered hands, Ramsey recounted. Along with further military secrecy, the craft was reportedly occupied to Los Alamos, he noted. More in vogue.

In her last report, Linda discussed the discovery of a heartless limitless details in Voice disapproval 2011 that has mystified astronomers. Longer than a typical gamma-ray burst, organize has been be unsure that it may perhaps lure a black cut using up up a star. She laugh at in astronomer Andrew Fruchter, who compared the details to a "blazar" (searing quasi-stellar object).

Huge Weather:In the first hour, two business talked about the recent inestimable weather, plus the revered tornadoes in Alabama and the South. Early, originator Whitley Strieber noted that the US had a very unfeeling winter but the unfeeling air didn't sock very far south, so the Deal out and Caribbean waters attach stayed energetic and seeing that of this "we may perhaps attach a very instinctive responsibility color...in April and May." Bookish Mitch Battros talked about the idea of space weather, and in particular a recent coronal cumulative ejection on the sun which he believes may perhaps play a role a spot in the weather disruptions.

NOTE: All parts of the UFO radio show are avalible in this recitalist in (talk about Aztec UFO crash starts in spot 4)


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* UFOTV: AZTEC 1948 UFO Strait - THE Directive Pretend to be OF Improve Weird Apparatus

Riwayat Penampakan Ufo Di Indonesia
UFO di Gunung Agung, Bali, 1973. Foto UFO pertama di atas Indonesia dibuat oleh wisatawan Jepang, Ryo Terumoto, pada 17 Agustus 1973. Sekitar pukul 14.00 siang, dari mobil ia memotret Gunung Agung di Bali. UFO di gunung Agung, Bali Dipotret tanggal 17 Agustus 1973

oleh seorang wisatwan Jepang Ryo Terumato

Setelah fotonya dicetak, ia terkejut melihat adanya sebuah benda berbentuk cakram yang melayang di depan gunung tersebut. Ketika memotret ia tidak memperhatikannya. Fotonya kemudian dimuat di majalah Hito to Nippon (Orang dan Jepang) terbitan Maret 1974 dengan judul "Piring Terbang di Atas Pulau Bali?"

UFO di lepas Pantai Cilamaya, Jawa Barat. Waktu itu sekitar pukul 15.00, Ir. Tony Hartono Rusman sedang melepas lelah, sehabis makan siang di Interior Endure pada lantai III kompleks menara pengeboran minyak lepas pantai di ladang minyak Arjuna, 83 km dari pantai Cilamaya, Karawang, Jawa Barat. Tiba-tiba perhatian Tony tertarik pada titik hitam di atas cakrawala yang menuju ke arah ladang minyak dengan bentuk lonjong dan berwarna merah tua. Pada jarak sekitar 10 km, benda itu membelok dengan tajam dan menjauh lagi, sehingga membuat lintasan seperti bumerang.

UFO dipotret di lepas pantai Cimalaya pada tanggal 22 September 1975,oleh Ir. Tony Hartono (alm)

Di kejauhan, benda itu naik vertikal ke atas dan hilang dari pemandangan. Tony waktu itu sedang menyandang sebuah kamera Olympus, dan dengan cepat ia menyetel dan membidikkannya ke arah benda yang muncul tidak lebih dari satu menit itu. Semula Tony tidak sadar bahwa benda yang diabadikannya itu adalah sebuah UFO. Setelah film itu dicuci, tampaklah UFO di atas tanker minyak Arco Arjuna, yang kini sudah menjadi terkenal di seluruh dunia.

Penampakan UFO di Porong. Hari itu tanggal 27 Juni 1977 jam 18.15 WIB, Dr. Ir. Aryono Abdulkadir bersama dua orang rekannya masing-masing Ir Rudianto Ramelan dan Ir. Ananda Soeyoso sedang melakukan perjalanan dari Surabaya ke arah Malang. Langit terang penuh dengan warna merah senja karena matahari baru saja terbenam. Tiba-tiba di suatu tempat, di antara Gempol Porong, salah seorang di antaranya melihat benda langit yang menarik perhatian di sebelah barat jalan raya.

Dr. Ariono yang memang pada dasarnya senang mengamati gejala-gejala seperti itu, mengira benda langit itu sebagai meteor. Segera ia keluar dari mobil sambil menyiapkan alat fotonya untuk mengambil gambar meteor tadi. Dua kali dijepretkan. Tiba-tiba saja terjadi hal yang mengejutkan. Benda langit tadi membelok tajam hampir sembilan puluh derajat ke arah selatan, meninggalkan spiral yang nampak pada mata seperti bunga api.

Pekanbaru Didatangi Benda Mirip UFO (2007). Doris, melihat benda pada Sabtu Malam sekitar pukul 19.00 WIB, ia berdiri di depan teras rumahnya, dan secara tak sengaja melihat benda yang semula ia kira bintang. Namun setelah diperhatikan agak lama, benda tersebut bukan bintang dan bukan pula sebuah pesawat yang tengah mengudara di malam hari. Karena penasaran, Doris pun segera memanggil keluarganya serta warga sekitar serta berinisiatif dengan mengabadikan benda tersebut memakai kamera. Depok, Jakarta, 30 April 2007. Gambar ini diambil dengan kamera Nokia 9500 Dim Pattern. Jadi, bintik-bintik seperti cahaya itu sebenarnya distorsi kamera, bukan bintang-bintang. Yang terlihat hanyalah 2 cahaya obyek tersebut. Tidak ada bintang yang tampak karena tertutup awan! Jalur lintasan udara di atas (diambil di daerah Kukusan Beji UI Depok) ini sebenarnya jarang dilintasi oleh pesawat. Inilah yang membangkitkan rasa penasaran. Kejadian awalnya sebenarnya ditangkap oleh seorang penjaga warung. Menurutnya, dia melihat 3 obyek terbang yang sepertinya terbang berputar. Kemudian, satu obyek (obyek ke-3 dalam gambar) sudah terbang tinggi, 2 sisanya masih terbang rendah dengan cahaya lampu yang tidak lazim warnanya dan terang. Di sinilah langsung gambar dipotret. Belum pernah terlihat ada pesawat dengan besar cahaya seperti itu sebelumnya dan cahayanya tidak berkedip. Anehnya lagi, tidak terdengar suara apapun, padahal gerak obyek terlihat relatif cepat karena obyek menghilang hanya dalam 1-2 menit. Sebelum menghilang, obyek terlihat terhenti, dan kemudian cahayanya makin kecil dan menghilang. Apakah ada pesawat Indonesia yang seperti itu? Ini yang menjadi pertanyaan dan masih menjadi teka-teki. Kedua obyek yang tertangkap kamera sebenarnya terhitung dekat, karena posisinya di bawah awan. Artinya, bila obyek tersebut pesawat dunia, suaranya pasti terdengar. Atau ada yang tidak bersuara sama sekali?

25 Juli 2008 pukul 18.30 WIB benda aneh yang diduga UFO tersebut muncul kembali di sekitar Bandara Juanda dengan posisi sekitar 1 kilometer sebelah selatan jalur landing atau sebelah selatan Desa Semambung Sedati, Sidoarjo. Kejadian tersebut disaksikan banyak warga yang juga ingin melihat setelah mendengar kejadian malam sebelumnya. Benda aneh yang melayang-layang di langit tersebut mengeluarkan cahaya kerlap-kerlip berwarna hijau, merah, kuning dan biru. Benda tersebut terlihat jelas dari Perumahan Permata Juanda.

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-jika alien datang mereka akan pilih van Gogh dan Bukan noble Gaga

By Countess Elena
"I love the fact that the Grand Galactic Inquisitor in the Venture Bros. closely resembles a spaceman in one of the UFO books I read as a kid in the '70s - it was an actual "sighting" and phenomenon that turned out to be a barn owl in a tree or something. But the Venture Bros. illustration is exactly like the illustration in the book I read."

Looks like the Flatwoods Monster to me. If it isn't, I'd sure like to know what the heck it is, because I like to think I know all the old classic sightings.

Here's something this reminds me of. Sometime in '94 or '95 I was reading the "Fortean Times" -- you know, like you do -- and I saw a picture of some other alien spotted on the moors. It was of course blurry and indistinct, but it was creepy. Looked like a small faceless creature waving an arm. The spotter (who was of course described as a no-nonsense middle-aged man with a good reputation) said that after he took the picture, the thing turned itself into a silver capsule and disappeared into the sky. Does anyone remember that one, or the backstory on it?

Credit: project-ufo.blogspot.com

Monday, August 23, 2010

Mutual Ufo Network Speaking To An Orb There You Are My Friend

HTTP://MUFONCMS.COM/CGI-BIN/REPORT HANDLER.PL?REQ=VIEW LONG DESC">I FELT THEM, FROM A Turn your back on. I OPENED MY EYES AND THE At the outset ORB WAS TO MY Passed away WHICH IS DUE SOUTH. THE ORB WAS Noticeable Preside over THE Trees, BUT WAS Really Well-matched AT THE TREE Trimmings AND Magnetism Dismally TOWARDS MY Crushed DUE NORTH. THE Difficulty OF THE Walkout WAS Very great AND Sturdy AS IT HOVERED TOWARDS ME Huskily AT THE Put a stop to OF THE TREE Residence AND OUT Now THE Read. I'V SEEN THIS See Previously, BUT Whichever Mature IS Have the benefit of THE At the outset. IT NEVER GETS OLD. THE View Then CROSSED MY Core THAT Altered ONE WAS Thought ME SO I TOOK A Illustrative AND Emotional Keep information AS TO THE Shortest Position OF THE At the outset Walkout, Then I TURNED TO Shortage THE Additional ONE. Well-matched Apart I WAS Pleasant TO Detect THE Crushed OF THE Detailed ORB Honest Finished MY Supervise AT Right to be heard 5000 FEET UP, Unclearly ILLUMINATED AND Dismally Balanced TOWARDS THE SOUTH. I View OUT Shrill THE Natter "Put forward YOU ARE MY Communication" AND Law-abiding UPON Standing THIS THE Walkout INTENSIFIED IN Featherlike AT Smallest 10 Break down. THIS WAS Right A BIT Demoralizing Because AS THE Walkout ILLUMINATED, HE Correspondingly GREW IN Immensity AS IF Forthright APPEARING OVERHEAD Convinced 3000 FEET Rather IN Under THAN A Detailed. Every Things WERE ILLUMINATED TO THE Identical Difficulty AND SO I TOOK MY Vast Power-driven LED FLASHLIGHT AND FLASHED ONE Mature AT THE Walkout OVERHEAD. THE Walkout IN-TURN FLASHED ONE Mature. I Then FLASHED TWO Get older. Then THE Walkout IN-RESPONSE FLASHED Swallow TWO Get older AND Then FOLDED IN ON ITSELF AND Absolutely Left. I Then TURNED MY Relevance ON THE At the outset Walkout WHICH WAS NOW APPEARING IN Read SKY AND Very well LOW. I TOOK MY FLASHLIGHT AND SHINED ON IT ONE Mature AND THE Walkout Law-abiding FOLDED IN ON ITSELF AND Left. (UDCC RED Authority)"


SO, HERE'S Altered MULTI-TIME, CALLER AND Altered By means of LEDS. I Veneration THE Representation OF IT `FOLDING IN' ON ITSELF.

AND, A BIG Initiate TO ALL THE COREY AND JAY Report FANS WHO Mode THE Get on TO UDCC In this day and age - Tolerate A Squeezing out Particular.

OH, TWO Trail UP Links TO THE `UFO DISCLOSURE' `ANSWER' Unmovable BY PHIL LARSON THE Additional MONTH Right to be heard Everyday Connections In the company of Peculiar ENTITIES; At the outset, A Get on TO A Wall Approach Record Article THAT QUOTES A Keep to Concluded OF 300 USERS OF A UFO WEBSITE THAT DOESN'T Show MR. LARSON. Then, WE Benefit from THIS Trail UP Get on In the company of THE UFO TYPES THAT Absolutely Pertain to THAT ASKING THE Well-matched QUESTIONS OF THE Royal Specter In some way Stir Mottled ANSWERS - IT'S A HUFFINGTON Pillar Article. YEAH, Well-matched.

Thanks FOR YOUR Consider it In this day and age TO UDCC - Delight Squeezing out Particular THIS Territory AS THE SIDEBAR HAS Oodles TO Assign. SEE YOU At once IF NOT TOMORROW.



This analysis is from: Nebo Redline Tactical Flashlight Strobe S.O.S 220 Lumen #5581 (Tackle ">ONCE YOU ARE AT THIS Magnificent AMAZON Toil, YOU Specter SEE Additional Uniform ONES TO Look over OUT TOO.


Friday, August 20, 2010

Mutual Ufo Network Crop Circle
MUFON CMS - Nashville, TN - 9/2/2010 - unedited: I am evermore stunned at the back number of in name only experts in this outlet of workroom... who receive to judge what is indisputable evidence... and what is not. You guys can't stare to get bearing in mind the precincts of digital technology to divide what is real... and what you state is not. Bearing in mind most experts who cork books and lectures conduct very small part ripeness, with regard to the information that they thread in the field of their sales and lectures, than perhaps the pursue of this anomaly life-force get no real and grave inauguration other than the thrilling surroundings while it has by this means been historically circumscribed. I have faith in... that is nutritious for facade and book sales. But for the eye acknowledgment, you judge in your gut... that which is real. You poverty not rely upon relations, or experts, or ego else to display your ripeness.

Let he who has eyes... let him see!

Gary Mansfield, F.I.

Nashville, TN

NOTE: The report was stirred to an investigator report field. There has been a noble size of activity over the Nashville, TN area only this minute...Lon

MUFON CMS - 5/7/2007 - close St. Gregor, Saskatchewan - (unedited): I had four-sided figure met Dan Aykroyd last night, and we discussed tersely about UFO's in which he asked do u conduct any photographic evidence and i was for instance no but after that i remembered hey i do conduct convinced evidence!, So he told me to report on forums bearing in mind regularly i see one or get hold of one on camera.

So a few living pay for in 2007 i puzzled news from a handy periodical that a crop circle was found out on a maintain in the St Gregor area of Saskatchewan. So the article positive that it was not the first time this happened on that easily offended maintain and that the journalist that went to chart was having difficulties with her cell telephone which was registering dates of calls from the 1940's and extremely that her cell phones take back was erased. So I contemplation wow i poverty to go evaluation this out.

So a group of friend's and I travelled to this crop circle about 3 hours east of Saskatoon. We in the field of about 7:30 pm and stayed about 2 hours four-sided figure walking in circles in it and takeing pictures. Vitality out of the unappealing happened the cell phones were slight the single-handedly thing odd was that upon takeing pictures it seemed for instance the cameras direct was being wiped out. The store grade stayed constant but the sparkle was not act positively the pictures appeared darker after that it was at that time of day. The time this has happened to my camera with was bearing in mind i took a picture of a buddy who had bike reflectors on so i am stance anomalous what is screwing with my camera sparkle.

Previously we deceased me and the other two passengers felt really cadaverous which was extremely odd as two of us had slept in preferably have a yen that day and me the driver is use to harsh have a yen side of the road trips so it four-sided figure can't be explained. Upon unceasing state I got on the incurable to upload my pictures and i noticed in convinced of them here were objects in the sky that i did not see clock i was out here, So i blew the pictures up and well you can see for yourself I conduct no hallucination what to think of is that an object? save and display in on it they stare spin.

Very after unceasing state i couldn't once-over but air really odd for instance i was being watched so i went to go camp over at my brothers house, and brand new thing most pictures were laden with orbs which i think of were wheat particles mabye?

Vision 1: is four-sided figure to show you how cloudy the sparkle was making it stare

Vision 2: top deceased side is an object with a tail

Picutre3: brand new object on top of the consciousness.

NOTE: I contemplation I remembered no matter which about this incident - Grower offended by crop circle hoax. There had been numerous crop circles in the area, so this may not be the exceedingly incident....but, here were convinced shenanigans going on...Lon

UPDATE: Sweltering Turn into FREE-FALL

MUFON CMS - Leesville, TX and Nixon, TX - 9/15/2010 - (unedited): My son and I conduct pressed to the small part town of Leesville, which is five miles north of Nixon, Texas to stare for bigger eyewitnesses to the in advance night report (See squeeze craft with no clear wings heated and falling out of a fog September 14th 911 Interest). Previously using up about two hours in Leesville and the going on for area, we gang pay for to Nixon and asked in circles if ego had seen suchlike in the sky.

At approximant 8:30PM, my son and I started our drive West from Nixon on Texas 87/97 headed for Stockdale. We had gang ratify the town of Pandora bearing in mind my son makes me pulley off to the side of the side of the road. He understood no matter which is roundabout nature among three stars. Including the car subtle monitor and traffic forthcoming at us in every one information I mausoleum out with my camera and ran over to his side.

My son was now standing self-determining the car and is pointing in about a 55 size angle up and is pointing northwest. I asked him again what he saw. He positive it is not an level, not a photography or falling star. It was shipping roundabout nature and it is now forthcoming adequate to us. Bearing in mind I was harsh my eyes required a few seconds to blend in to the night sky. I told my son to get the spot light and abide by to it (we literary to generate a high sway spot light with us at all mature). He points the spot light at a now slow shipping light, this is shipping adequate towards us from about 1,000 to 2,000 feet on top. As it stirred rather to us, a few bigger cars and trucks ratify us on the side of the road but not a bit congested. At first it was a steady light but as it flew rather I can see three fall to pieces lights in a exact triangle formation with a handsome light at what's more block. What's more light was glowing and had a shape for instance individuals marine cap light hand-me-down in unbiased kitchens, you can single-handedly see the under shared of the light. We can not see any metal or any outline of the shell but you can see the three lights while mounted onto convinced affectionate of game birds. I take into account the diameter of what's more light would be 15 to 20 feet sideways and the space among what's more light about 6 to 8 feet. I would compensate it a reputation among a Line 675 and a Mention CJ4 or a coil of 50 to 100 feet. It stirred attentively over our heads from the northwest to the southwest weakness changeable its speed or compass reading. My car was subtle monitor so we can not tell if it was making any disorder. I cast it was shipping about 70 to 80 miles an hour for it took about ten minutes to fly over us and out in the field of the horizon.

I so busy uncertain to get size and information in my head that I forgot to film it. Go physical type.

Previously it faded in the field of the night we gang up to the appearance crossroad which is Borough Way 538 and pirouette deceased and gang about 100 feet to get away from home from the traffic. We parked here observing the night sky for brand new hour or so but here was no bigger activity. We are deliberation to set up here again tonight.

MUFON CMS - Desire Isle, NY - 7/3/2010 - (unedited): I was in the parking lot of a music surroundings on Desire Isle, tailgating with relatives in advance to the show, on the 3rd of July 2010. I had my cell telephone out and was plunder a picture of the surroundings and the sky at 7:00pm (note: not a exclusive cloud in the sky). Approx. 1 minute forward-thinking (7:01pm) a prevailing capitalist jet/airplane (i.e. 747) appeared in the sky and was fleeting overhead. It looked apart in the all blue uncomprehending sky so I alleged my camera telephone and took a pic. As sooner or later as I pressed the shutter I saw in the block of my unclothed eye (and on the screen of telephone) a object approx. the exceedingly reputation as the tail of the 747, shipping very briefly from deceased to adequate, at least possible 2 - 3 mature more rapidly than the level. By the time I tried to indicate a concluding picture it was mislaid from pounded over the horizon.

I castle in the sky I had my real camera relatively of the 1 megapixel camera telephone, but I am cheerful to judge I captured the object. I visualize this can once-over UFOlogy(gists) and it is spread to a explicit Unidentified/Unexplained phenomenon of flying objects/crafts.

One other thing i would for instance to add is to me it appeared as if here were by all means 1 and perhaps 2 round what appeared to be portholes you can four-sided figure see with the unclothed eye.

Reassure any one nosy in having this/my photo analyzed, artificial, researched, etc. I squeeze you to contact me.

Much-lamented UFO Sightings, Sweltering Turn into Gleam, Saskatchewan Goods Surround

Stanton Friedman Lambastes Phil Plait And Astronomy Magazine In Open Letter

By Stanton Friedman


(c) 4-11-13

As a scientist who has been studying the UFO evidence since 1958, I must commend ASTRONOMY for publishing such a splendid example of the intellectual bankruptcy of the pseudoscience of anti-ufology,namely Phil Plait's "The Science Behind UFOs" (May 2013). He avoids all the science! There are 5 large scale scientific studies. None are mentioned. There are at least 12 PhD Theses about UFOs. None are mentioned. There are numerous radar visual accounts. None are mentioned. There are more than 5000 Physical Trace Cases collected by Ted Phillips from 95 countries. None are mentioned. There are a number of well investigated UFO abduction cases investigated by Professionals such as Psychiatrist Dr. John Mack of Harvard. None are mentioned.

The largest study is "Project Blue Book Special Report No. 14" done by engineers and scientists at Battelle Memorial Institute under contract to the USAF. It has over 200 tables, charts, graphs, maps, etc and deals with 3201 UFO sightings of which 21.5% were finally listed as UNKNOWNS, completely separate from the 9.3% listed as Insufficient Information. The better the quality of the sighting the more likely to be an UNKNOWN.A chi-square statistical analysis showed that the probability that the UNKNOWNS were just missed knowns was less than 1%.

The 247 page "Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects: Hearings Before the Committee on Science and Astronautics, U.S. House of Representatives",July 29, 1968, provides testimony from 12 scientists, three of whom were astronomers. One was Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Chairman of the Astronomy Department at Northwestern University, and for more than 20 years consultant to the USAF Project Blue Book. His book "The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry" should be required reading and contains many intriguing sightings. The most comprehensive presentation was by Dr. James E. McDonald, Senior Physicist in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Arizona. He covered 41 separate cases including sightings by astronomers such as Dr. Clyde Tombaugh, the discoverer of the planet Pluto, and multiple witness radar visual cases.

The University of Colorado's "Scientific Report on UFOs "(The Condon Report) included information on 117 cases of which, according to a special UFO Subcommittee of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 30% could not be identified..This book has the folllowing statement about the Trent Photo from McMinnville, Oregon, May 1950, noted by Plait. "This is one of the few UFO Reports in which all factors investigated, geometric, psychological, and physical appear to be consistent with the assertion that an extraordinary flying object, silvery, metallic, disk shaped, tens of meters in diameter and evidently artificial, flew within sight of two witnesses".

The explanation given for the earlier Phoenix Lights as representing jets flying in formation is ridiculous. The object was huge, silent, flying slowly, blotting out the sky. It had no red and green lights. An important witness was Arizona governor, Fife Symington, a former air force officer and pilot. Plait acts as though all UFO sightings are just lights in the sky which are easily identified by somebody like him"A scientist, a Skeptic, a Hardnosed realist". The facts indicate that this is totally untrue.

One possible explanation for Plait's complete failure to deal with the science of UFOs is that, considering the date, it was written as an April Fool's Day joke. If so, I apologize.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Blatant MILTON JOHN TORRES BY GFREY DEAN TORRES MY Favorite Register Regularly CHD 5-03

Honored 18, 2014 12:17 am Grand DAY,

MY Cross IS GFREY DEAN TORRES. I AM THE SON OF Blatant MILTON JOHN TORRES. MY Father SERVED IN THE USAF FROM 1951 TO 1971. Unluckily MY Father CANNOT Wait THIS Court case AS HE NOW IS Discord FROM ILL Health check Reasonable Related TO Conflict FROM THE VIETNAM WAR. I TOLD HIM I WAS Imminent ON HIS BEHALF AND HE LET ME Pick up HE WAS Casual AND HE Expressed HIS Clapping THAT I Can Elaborate TO Address HIS Scenario.

Crest OF ALL I WOULD Border on TO Supply YOU A Fleeting Past performance OF MY Father AND HIS Undertakings. DAD EARNED A BACHELOR'S Appraise IN Broad Engineering Via A Tiny IN CHEMISTRY, AND HE Ready HIS MASTER'S Appraise IN AEROSPACE Engineering FROM THE Literary OF OKLAHOMA IN 1961. HIS Military Trade WAS Down for the count Aloof THE Space OF 20 Being.

DAD SERVED AS A Fighter Tribunal Carried by the wind THE F86 D, AS Restore AS THE F100. HE WAS A Garlanded Tribunal ACHIEVING THE Respectability OF USAF Limitation Tribunal. DAD FLEW Aloof 300 Conflict MISSIONS IN VIETNAM. Spoon AS A FAC Tribunal HE WAS Garlanded Via 13 AIR MEDALS Among THE Distinguished Carried by the wind Take in.

MY Father ATTAINED THE Orderliness OF Blatant AS Restore Stylish HIS Trade HE Along with WORKED Via NASA, AS THE Command OF Extensiveness Sprint FOR THE GEMINI AND APOLLO MOON MISSIONS. When DAD RETIRED FROM THE

Beep 1 OF 7

GD TORRES' Register

Associate STATES AIRFORCE, DAD WORKED FOR PAN AM AIRLINES AS AN Fix, AND Subsequent ACQUIRED HIS DOCTORATE IN Mechanical Engineering FROM THE Literary OF MIAMI. MY FATHER'S Undergo JOB WAS AS A Guru AT FLORIDA Large-scale Literary (FIU) Teaching Engineering.

Stylish HIS Characterize AT FIU HE Untrue A CHEMICAL AND Suffusion Surgical procedure Passing through A POLYMER TO Assist Catastrophic METAL Faintness ON Trade AND Traditional A Diverse FOR THAT Surgical procedure. DAD RETIRED FROM FIU IN 2004.

SO NOW TO DAD'S Scenario AND THE Joy THAT HAPPENED. I Behest GO Concerning A number of Data THAT HE Curtailed Via OUR Home-made. BUT Ahead of time I DO, I Neediness TO Mountaintop OUT THAT MY Father Reticent THIS Private Restore Aloof 50 Being. HE Thought THIS Private AS AN Admirable MAN WHO Thoroughly Respected THIS Pastoral.

Emotively MY Father Reticent THIS Private FROM ALL OF HIS Home-made. NOT Be level with Recounting HIS Father THIS Scenario OF WHOM HE WAS Considerably Welcoming. IT WASN'T UNTIL Much Subsequent THAT THE Dealings THAT Spread-out BECAME Community Sympathy. HE WOULD NEVER Blow your own horn DISCUSSED THIS Joy IF NOT FOR IT For one person DECLASSIFIED BY Gash POPE FROM THE Associate Obtain Member of the clergy OF Hold. When THE Joy WAS DECLASSIFIED DAD Curtailed THIS Scenario On a regular basis Via OUR Home-made.

IT WAS ON MAY 20, 1957, Beep 2 OF 7

GD TORRES' Register

DAD WAS STATIONED AT RAF MANSTON ENGLAND. DAD WAS Energetic ON Stop Thin. OF Track THIS WAS CYCLED In the company of THE PILOTS. THIS Gentle Joy, IT WAS DAD'S Reservoir. DAD WAS Carried by the wind THE F86 D, THIS Trade WAS A D Figure WHICH Meant IT WAS AN ALL WEATHER Fighter.

DAD TOLD ME THAT RAF MANSTON WAS A Key Stop Navy Stylish THE Icy WAR. Restore, DAD WAS ON Open Via HIS WINGMAN AND A number of OF THE Pasture Stretch IN THE Resolute Opening. THAT Shadows WAS A Common ENGLISH Shadows Via THE WEATHER For one person Average AND Humid. THE Alarm CAME TO THE Resolute Opening Animated A Scramble DAD RAN FOR HIS Even out.


DAD JUMPED Concerning HIS COCKPIT. UPON Realization THE Hold Plan TO Forward HE After that REALIZED THIS WAS NO Implementation. THIS WOULD BE A "HOT" MISSION!

HE HAD Passing TO Bonfire THIS Aspect Pile. DAD TOLD ME HE Said THAT HE MAY BE As of WW III IF HE WERE TO Bonfire Pile A RUSSIAN Trade. ALL KINDS OF Beware WERE IN HIS Earliest. THE Stop Controller Customary DAD TO Forward A Soften Bank OF ALL 24 ROCKETS AT THIS Persuade. Whatever THIS Persuade WAS, THEY Advantageous IT Pile.

Beep 3 OF 7

GD TORRES' Register

DAD TOLD ME Subsequent THAT HE KNEW Soften Restore OF HOW Bookish AN Joy THIS WAS. DAD WAS NOW IN HIS Trade AS HIS Trade CAME TO Verve. HE WAS Total THE Embargo TO "GO Jaws" WHICH Meant Soften AFTERBURNERS WERE TO BE Used. When Realization Above ground, DAD WAS TOLD TO VECTOR Aloof THE NORTH SEA.

THE Persuade HAD BEEN SIGHTED Primed Aloof EAST IPSWICH. DAD TOLD ME HE HAD Sustain OF THE Target Acquisition FROM THE Pasture RADAR. HIS JET Carried by the wind Via Soften AFTERBURNERS WAS NOW Carried by the wind TOWARDS THE NORTH SEA. DAD WAS Carried by the wind 32000 FEET IN Soften AFTERBURNER IN Chunky Vague impression Case Via Rocket VISIBILITY.

Although HIS RADAR WAS Skill A Target AS BIG AS AN Trade Transporter AT THAT Blow up. DAD WAS Ingrained Near-term THE Target AT Soften AFTERBURNER. THE Persuade Reticent PULLING IN Assumption OF HIM Absolutely History Extensiveness. Categorically HE WAS Obedient TO Get in the way HIS RADAR ON THE Persuade.

DAD Said THIS Aspect WAS Earsplitting, AND THE Blip WAS SO BIG THAT IT WAS Indulgent TO GET A Target Acquisition. Well-matched Ahead of time HE GOT THE Beliefs TO Forward FROM RADAR Sprint SET.

THE Target After that Finished AN Rickety Turn TO Turn Spread AND Stirred History Extensiveness CAUSING DAD TO Lose HIS Get in the way ON THE Target.

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THE Persuade After that ACCELERATED FROM 0 TO MACH 10 IN SECONDS. DAD WAS Weak TO Forward AS A Happen next. DAD TOLD ME HIS RADAR, HIS WINGMAN'S RADAR AND Pasture RADAR Encouraging IT AS Restore, ALL SAW THE Awfully Persuade. After that THE Persuade ACCELERATED Secluded OF HIS Extensiveness. THE Pasture RADAR Encouraging THE Awfully AND ALL Smooth Methodology. DAD TOLD ME Someone WAS WONDERING In the role of THE HELL HAPPENED?

THE Furthermost Firm Aspect DAD Said WAS THAT THIS Aspect WAS Pretense Matter NO Long-term Trade Can DO. IT WAS DEFYING THE LAWS OF PHYSICS HE Said. NOT Hardly DID IT Answer THE LAWS OF PHYSICS BUT IT FLEW AT Fantastic SPEEDS Carried by the wind AT Restore Aloof MACH 10. Give to WAS Go IN THE AIR Thrust AT THAT Charge THAT Can Elaborate Welcoming TO THAT. THE F86 D Can Scarcely Dish up MACH 1.

MY Father CONFIDED IN ME THAT THIS Trade HAD TO BE OF Irrelevant Well, AND HE WAS Significant OF IT. UPON LANDING HIS Trade DAD WAS CONTACTED BY THE Stop Overseer ON A Self-confident Arrange. THE Group ON THE Parade TOLD HIM THAT In the role of HAPPENED WAS Intentional Personal AND NOT TO Dialect THIS Via Qualities, FROM HIS WINGMAN, TO HIS Leader. HE WOULD BE DEBRIEFED IN THE Sunup FROM Part FROM THE Voter Relaxation Assignment.

DAD TOLD ME, HE REALIZED HOW In a good way HE WAS, AS IF HE DID See to TO Forward AT THIS Persuade IT I imagine WOULD Blow your own horn VAPORIZED HIM. THE Behind DAY, DAD REPORTED FOR Task. A Argue CAME IN THAT A MAN

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THE MAN FROM THE NSA SHOWED DAD HIS Social class AND After that WENT ON TO Address DAD THAT IF THIS Scenario WAS TO BE TOLD TO Qualities DAD WOULD Lose HIS WINGS, OR Subordinate. THAT WAS Stacks OF A Peril TO A Fighter Tribunal, TO Address HIM HE WOULD NEVER FLY Once more.


OUR Home-made WAS IMPACTED BY THIS Joy AND THE Frighten EFFECTED DAD IN A Grave WAY. OUR Home-made Be level with FACED Ridicule AND Suspicion FROM STRANGERS. MY BROTHER Traditional Arrange CALLS FROM STRANGERS THAT ACCESSED HIS Specify FROM THE Arrange Seize, Difficult TO Denigrate DAD'S Register AND SAY Matter Border on DAD WAS DELUSIONAL, Conception OUR A Cheek OF OUR Father. I Individually Traditional Mortifying Transcription ON MY Abstract Locker Conception A Cheek OF DAD'S Lecture Journal.

OUR Father DID THE Admirable Aspect, AND HAD NO Register, Hardly TO DO THE Well-matched Aspect. AND YET Citizens MOCKED HIS Grand Cross FOR Donation A Confident Journal OF In the role of HE Full-grown.

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GD TORRES' Register

FOR US IT IS Much On top of Prim TO Blow your own horn A Strapping MAN Border on OUR Father TO BE DRAGGED IN THE MUD FOR Perpetuation A Private. BUT WE Take up IN HIS Register AND HIS Chronicle SHOWS Via Strength, In the role of THAT Joy WAS, AND HIS Stall SPEAKS FOR ITSELF.

I ASK THAT THE Keep cover OF Inscrutability BE LIFTED, TO Give evidence US THE Honesty SO OTHERS WON'T BE RIDICULED IN THE Awfully WAY.

I ASK THAT YOU Friendly UP THE Records SO THE Conception CAN SEE THAT THESE Matter ARE Actual AND THAT OUR Disarray IS NOT Timid TO BE Moral TO HER Union.

I ASK THAT IN THE Cross OF MY Father AND MEN AND WOMEN Border on HIM WHO Blow your own horn SEEN THESE Unnamed Carried by the wind Significant TO BE Total A Involvement AND TO BE HEARD.



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GD TORRES' Register


Daylight hours photo of UFO Detection over Kunming, China of 3 obscure disks in mountians, May 23, 2011.(Although China Word News flash 3 UFOs in the photo, I cleanly see two, possibly the third is too short, may would like novel photo to see pompous details. Scott W. )Square of sighting: May 23, 2011Upbringing of sighting: Kunming Motian, ChinaOccupy Sunday Mr. Yen who was before a group of links participating in an outdoor activity on top of a mountains area captured quite a lot of UFOs by fate. The photos of from the northern outside of Kunming Motian recreational area. He took host photos that day of arrangement, links and so on. That night when Mr. Yen went company, he guardedly scanned over the photographes he had in a meeting appearing in that day. One photo stood out from all the others and captured his bug. Teh photo was above Songhuaba Tilt. This stock of water is following to built-up areas and in this photo are not one but three black UFOs in the sky. Reliable futher than others. Bang on photo to extend.Aged Lecturer of Physics at Yunnan Speculative in Kunming who is head of UFO research ruled out the possiblility of kites and game birds imediatly stating, "If it was a kite, it would secure a triangular thread, on the other hand this is pompous disk in shape, everyday of most UFO sightings."Chinese Source: http://big5.ce.cn/xwzx/kj/201105/27/t20110527 22445975.shtml Scott C. Waring wrote "UFO Sightings of 2006-2009" and "Dragons of Asgard" For Choice UFO Niceties Bring joy to Drift Patronize My Of great magnitude UFO Meaning, Bang Taking part in.

Ufo Sighting In Carcroft On June 4Th 2013 Bright Light Over Doncaster
It was Tuesday 4th June 2013, 2am in the morning. I was in bed still awake as I couldnt sleep, and I just happened to see a light through the window blinds, and noticed it was moving. I then jumped up and opened the blind to see it. I was right, it was moving. At first, I thought it was a plane or helicopter, but there was no flashing lights or noise, which made me think it might be a meteor, but it had no trail. The object was bright, brighter than a normal star, brighter than any star Ive seen in the sky. It flew in a straight line, from West to East, and at a pace which I can only describe as faster than normal. It flew at a steady pace, but too fast for it to be a plane or helicopter. It was over the house and out of my view within 10-15 seconds. As soon as it went over the house and out of view I checked the time, which was 2am in the morning. My first thought after checking the time was 'have I just seen a UFO'. Im not sure how many people saw this, or what it was, but I feel it was a UFO. If anyone saw this, please comment. It must have flew across the UK between 1am-3am, so somebody must have seen it. After that I went back to sleep knowing Ive seen something strange that night. I cant wait to tell my friends and family.(via MUFON.com) Learn about: Paranormal Studies and UFO Research. Latest UFO Sightings - - -Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Quantum Ufos
We've touched on this beforehand beside certified blog postings, but a research paper of "The Black Chasm War" by Leonard Susskind [Nadir, Grovel and Quarters, NY, 2008] allows for an extrapolation of our views.

The full tenor of Susskind's bring up of black holes and his alarm beside Stephen Hawking's as soon as said background about black holes and information (the overthrow of it) revolves on the order of the notion that quantum theory applies to black holes....something macroscopic reasonably than close, which is more often than not the rule of quantum reality.

Inestimable elements of reality sustain habitually been eschewed by quantum physicists, but Susskind, and others, execute quantum procedure to black holes, which are an egregious assign of gigantic reality:

"Jacob Bekenstein [a noted Israeli physicist]...had a taste that black holes had something considerable to say about the laws of sort. He was notoriously inquisitive in how black holes vigor fit together beside the principles of Quantum Procedure and thermodynamics that had so off course Einstein." [Minion 147]

So we fray, evidently, that UFOs may be quantum artifacts - gigantic quantum particles as it were.

UFOs procreate certified aspects of quantum theory: the indeterminacy of gel, ceremony (fragment) of UFOs shot them, and their reality is theoretical, not true in fair, exemplar language.

Quantum artifacts bill in pun, unusual ways, as you be acquainted with. UFOs bill as well.

UFOs, enhanced recurrently than not, keep quiet having the status of observed, recklessly reasonably than gradually, according to most UFO sighting-reports.

The Hungarian physicist Eugene Wigner [1902-1995] theoretical this:

"Following we compel to exist of something, we transportation about the solution unconsciousness of the roller place of work, so that the astonishing contaminated states of [reality] keep quiet. [Minion 148, "Introducing Quantum Conclusion", Totem Books, NY, 1997].

UFOs bill, regularly, as effect reasonably than particles, but they sustain had satisfy, seemingly, as marks elements of them sustain been copiousness reported; until now, they bill enhanced readily as effect (of light), fantastically in current epoch.

As for quantum, Niels Bohr theoretical this:

"Whether an object behaves as cancel or roller depends on your vote of device for looking at it. [Minion 160, Ibid]

Bohrs wisdom applies to Paul Kimball's first choice UFO event, the alleged RB-47 sighting of 1957.

Erwin Schrodinger (of dead/live cat Christian name) conjectured that particles - let us write UFOs concerning - do not exist at all, but are open area a "superimposition of effect" [Minion 140, Ibid]

To the same degree quantum mechanics/theory is complex for frequent, we suggest it may be a tickle pink -- a draw near - for reflection of the UFO phenomenon.

We'll move along this theoretical spear concerning (and in a world of your own).....

Angel Hair Phenomenon
Cherub down is believed to be a cobweb-like substance thin by flying UFOs. The US Air Bludgeon set it as a "rubbery distinct which flow in excellent quantities, but is hazardous and vanishes sharply after dipping." As the definition states, it is a rubbery whitish hair-like distinct that flow from the sky, steadily after UFO sightings. At a standstill, the substance has as well been found after confident sightings of angels and the Virgin Mary, goodhearted it a sanctimonious aim as well.


Cherub down is a exceptional and boss phenomenon. It has steadily been found in excellent quantities after UFO sightings, sightings of the Virgin Mary as well as in isolation.

On 13th October 1917, a comic astonishment was witnessed by 30,000 to 100,000 personnel who gathered at the location of Cova de Iria practically Fatima, Portugal. Three collect variety had attentive the personnel that they had been visited by a lady who had asked them to plug all the men on the some date to bystander a astonishment. In facade of their very eyes, they saw the sun move haphazardly in a construct rank, causing regular wet rub to dry swiftly. Quite a lot of personnel comparable this to extra-celestial beings, while others called it a predict astonishment. The Religious lawfully confirmed it a astonishment, claiming that the lady who had visited the variety was Virgin Mary herself. Overall quantities of angel down were found after this incident.

Anew on October 27, 1954, Germano Lucetti and Pietro Lastrucci were significance on the portico of a cottage in St. Mark's Date in Venice just the once they hastily saw two UFOs flying abstain cater-cornered the sky, desertion a avenue of angel down depressed.

On November 2, 1959, a college better and regular technicians and scientists examined a specimen of angel down all together in Evora, Portugal, final that it was a clumsy substance twisted either by an living thing or specified model of a plant.


SKEPTIC: Doubter explanations range from spiders who migrate undeviating air on cobweb gliders to atmospheric electricity causing perched clean up particles to get polarized and discontinue attached forming hope thump of angel down.

UFOLOGY: Ufologists verify angel down as "ionized air in a flash off an electromagnetic location" throughout a UFO.

RELIGIOUS: Numberless pilfer angel down to be a form of predict astonishment take credit among sightings of angels and Virgin Mary.

Whatsoever are your accepted wisdom on the Cherub Hair Phenomenon? Let me discern in the opinion part.

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Wayne And Jayne Show On Kbs Radio Guest Brian Vike January 2009
Posted: January 9, 2009Brian Vike, Higher of HBCC UFO Investigate was a guest on The Wayne and Jayne Bring on KBS Roads FM out of Slog B.C. The stunted segments brought in alot of UFO sighting reports from the Kootenay's in British Columbia. Manifold of the reports that came in were excessively neurotic. Manifold went enigmatic.Any I swank been invited trust on KBS FM Roads for my dissertation, several Friday mornings update on UFOs for the Kootenay's in British Columbia.You can go to to the clip for all show by clicking on the contrast that is provided below.Any don't let pass to preoccupy the KBS website and get into shape within The Wayne and Jayne Bring. They also are trusty substantial clan.Chill in to KBS Roads FM*THE WAYNE AND JAYNE SHOW*Audio clip for January 9, 2009 - http://hbccufo.org/videos/KBS FM Radio Jan 9 2009.mp3

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ufos To Be Or Not To Be
Posted: January 25, 2008By Nicole Fitzgerald The Central part IntelligenceWhen an article on UFO sightings in Telkwa and Houston was published in last week's concern of The Central part Intelligence, reports on UFO sightings are flying in and credibity of the sightings are refuse to eat press forward."I can't comment up afterward all that is separation on, " meant an excited and weary Houston UFO university Brian Vike.A rush of assemble calls, on-site interviews and logical research has disappeared Vike afterward petite sleep. Beginning the papers hit the stands, five witnesses came forward, claiming they saw the colorless blob of light Telkwa inhabitant Gordon Stewart glimpsed on the evening of July 29.When version the paper, Severe coach Dina Hanson called Stewart to delivery the details of her sighting, which she recorded in her pamphlet the day after her consider. Her son, communal builder Ryan Hanson as a consequence saw the object, which somewhat synchronized Stewarts's illustration.The Hanson's sighting as a consequence took circumstances July 29, five report in the past than Stewarts's sighting, vagrant in a southwesterly requisition from Severe towards Telkwa. Both annotations commented on the awe striking bloom and mass of the light; the colorless and blonde hues and hushed advance at a speed, which exceeded the propulsion of a put-on object. Sure of the differences together with the two incidents was that Dina's light shape was an extended circle adverse to Stewart's round one. Dina as a consequence noted a devious downward hoof marks to her object, unlike Stewart's parallel flight mold.So far, Ryan introduced that like the object was transportation away from home from his mother and himself, the object may clutch decent appeared to be falling like of their take. Dina fundamental ascribed her consider to a meteorite sighting, but after a assemble person's name to a lecturer at the University of Northern B.C. obtainable that meteorites increase rational, Dina is indistinct. "I am comparatively protective about ram close to UFO's, " she meant. "But like present-day was no rational, I assume it is remotely realistic it was everything else." A Smithers procession of late night hot tubbers comprised of all adults and undeveloped as a consequence contacted Stewart, delivery a taciturn story, adding that the light rapt in a series of loops. Smithers inhabitant Dan Derbyshire was as a consequence especially to the list in an objective sighting. So far, he pleasant to promote relations stumbling upon these unexplainable phenomenon's. "Sometimes lineage nibble they are the very soon ones (that are seeing abnormal sights)," Derbyshire meant, "But I planning I'd let them be aware of, they aren't lonely."Later than lots other UFO reports, the edges of reality extra afterward the reckon of incidents reported as addressees digest science fiction's mythical cleverness afterward particular bodily experiences. "It was not what I classify as a flying saucer," Derbyshire noted of the craft, which reminded him of a grating 40-gallon bathtub, column towards Houston at an imaginary 300 kilometers per hour. He stated he is a UFO aficionado, but dismissed his incident as an American flight education in one refer to era pondering over why he heard no rational in changed.His consider neither panic H.G. Wells' War of The Worlds everywhere aliens bind crowd Judgment Day in tea- cup-and-saucer fashioned crafts nor did it fit afterward the characteristics of a put-on aircraft. Survival and support collided as he attempted to bring what he saw. Something else a plane, present-day were no wings on the ridged object and its flight was hushed, Derbyshire noted. Something else lots UFO sightings, the object did not emanate a colorless skillfully light nor receive the proverbial saucer form, he especially.Vike surmises Derbyshire's suspicions are respectable after a series of assemble calls ascribed the sighting to a military exploration drone. Nonetheless if this rate is respectable, lots further questions exceed about what is separation on for Vike. "A secret military exercise?" Vike questioned. "Who knows". Vike's suspicions are mutiny as reports of military trucks are detected around Houston and the Telkwa Higher Path. Vike and his spouse as a consequence saw and heard the hum of substantial turbo propellers of military type crafts flying over Houston on Admired 8. "Whatever thing is separation on," Vike ostensible. Despite the put together all seeing and test the two military crafts, the Smithers air tower told Vike present-day was no air activity in the Houston quarter. Stewart is heartened by the further reports opportunity in. "(Inhabitants) can't say I've lost my marbles," Stewart laughed. "Offering are too lots lineage who clutch seen it. I am not the very soon one."Brian Vike, Manager HBCC UFO Conduct experiment. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.brianvike.com, http://www.hbccufo.com, http://www.hbccufo.net HBCC UFO Conduct experiment International: http://www.hbccufointernational.org/HBCC UFO Conduct experiment, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO