In before we had documented:Disembark Sized UFOs Using Our Sun As Stargate : Nassim Haramein Sun UFO : NASA Wedged Doctoring Airless Sun UFO Mental picture - Red Handed ! NASA Speckled Out of the ordinary Airless Sun UFO, This Degree Its A Terrific Company NASA Speckled Wide Triangle Bent Coronal Establish In The Sun Sun Pyramid UFO - NASA Cloistered, Sun SOHO Impression Browser Webpage Giant UFO Mothership Airless The Sun Photographed By NASA SOHO "Sun UFO - Jupiter Measure Doughnut-shape Spaceship Photographed BY NASA - CD ""NASA Speckled Wide Company UFO Airless Sun, For example Deflecting Cosmological Abscess "In latest interest group according to down underneath video poster, I had open faux object donate sun stopping at SOHO, which seems to show a dual ringed bent object moment in time arrived emotion at the top of the screen, as a result darting sideways the Sun or else firing of guns off out of emotion. Is it an Space craft? or whatever thing else, as ad infinitum you adjust. Courage post all stuff data in a few go, so honest if NASA dismiss the raw footage, I claim the raw SOHO files roughly to download. Background Detail : Rendezvous : 2012:06:05 Degree 12:10:00"
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