Lon - I understand by your story on the encounter in Carthage, Missouri. I be the owner of heard of and seen Reptoid beings in the area 5 miles east of Phoenix, Arizona. The Superstition Mt's be the owner of been an area of encounters and is intended to be the owner of both an alien base and laboratories under it. The military equally be the owner of an underground base exhibit and hit it off on experiment's in the manner of the aliens.
With regard to 20 days ago I encountered an specialized that moved out time exploring guaranteed of the old mines in the area. He had gone for months previously I ran appearing in him once more. I ask him anyplace he had been all this time. Popular is his story.
He spotted a mine entrance hall on the west side of the number one Mt. side. He intended that the mine looked to be in positive shape, so he started walking in the shaft. He had absent about a unfinished mile in in the same way as he saw a sign that intended no entrance hall mega this complain. The mine shaft was calm in positive shape, so he went in a 100 yards. He told me that populace seemed to utilize out of the fortifications of the shaft. Men in black uniforms questioned him and furthermore took him to a holding area in Mesa, Arizona for 72 hours. They questioned him once more and found out that his terra firma was in Colorado. They gave him a plane foyer to Denver, CO and told him never to utilize momentum to the Phoenix area. He asked me not to tell part that I had ding him. He required to alternative up interior matter that got used up low. I be the owner of never seen him after that.
Offer are other stories of price hunters leaving appearing in old mine shafts and decision holographic fortifications in the shaft. They did not try to enter the area low the wall as they feared that they may not be able to get momentum out. They told me that they took a round rock and rolled it finished the screen and heard it errand for guaranteed aloofness. One of them reached finished the screen in the manner of a stain light in his hand. He turned the stain light momentum on the way to the screen, but might not see any light. He intended that he withdrew his arm as he had the thought that guaranteed thing was momentum exhibit and he didn't ask it to charm his arm and lug him in. I asked the men to crash into me up exhibit and show me the mine. They all intended no way they were leaving momentum in exhibit. We got a topo map out and they showed me the area that they had encountered the wall. I did go appearing in the area to search but was never able to tinge the mine. This is not weird as other populace be the owner of found impertinence and heavy the entrance hall in the manner of a pyramid of extreme rocks and used up to get lights and finished populace and stuff. At any time they got momentum, the rocks are calm exhibit as they had stacked them, but the entrance hall is gone!
Offer be the owner of been sighting of reptoids about 9 feet tall in that area. As soon as they feeling that they are being watch they fade. Civilization be the owner of equally seen lizard beings about the quantity of a man in the manner of bat having the status of wings and a tail. They fly out to impertinence in the cliffs at end of the day and equally fade if seeing that that they are being watched. The Innate Americans be the owner of seen these possessions for hundreds of days and be the owner of tradition about them. They say that they are shape shifters and can calm you see them in any form they ask. I found this out on a interior encounter in the manner of a Reptoid I encountered on a mark out.
As I was walking up an intermediate mark out in the Mt's I looked up and saw a man impending towards me on the mark out. He had appeared out of thin air. As I walked on the way to him I noticed his eyes, they were reptoid, erect slits. At any time he sensed that I knew what he was, he hit me in the manner of a pshycic hit that I can easily present as being hit in the head in the manner of a sled crack. It impressed me and generally gather me to my stage. As I shook this off I looked up and he was absent. I had a backache for 2 verve after that and ponder that he might be the owner of killed me if he required to.
This is suitably guaranteed of the weird thing that be the owner of been seen up exhibit. We be the owner of seen mixed types of alien craft that team to enter the number one Mt. Apparition orbs and UFO orbs that be the owner of been seen in mixed area for hundreds of days that minimize at mixed old mines, wells, and guaranteed suitably enter the face of the Mt's. I would firm favorite to get in taste in the manner of a well eager probing group and be the owner of them unfaltering out guaranteed of the strong repetitive fields that may act as dimensional portholes anyplace guaranteed of these creatures utilize and go.
The fact that the encounter in Missouri was in a Azure grip area is no set back. They be the owner of been detail direct over accommodation UFO and aliens seeing that the formation of MJ-12 after the Roswell crash. One day our Trend may tell us the truth on exhibit friendship in the manner of alien encounters and tech that has been traded for their abduction of us.
MUFON CMS - NORTH Highest LOUISIANA - 9/14/2010 - UNEDITED: This object was recorded on a Moultrie Hound Camera located in the bulky forest of N. Highest Louisiana. Offer was no one in the region of do and no eye witnesses, suitably a sway activated Infrared Shimmer Digital Camera.
Offer were four occurrences anyplace light/objects appeared in frames captured by the camera going on featuring in the hours of lack of light on September, 6th, 13th, 14th & 15th. The chief utility occurred on September 14th.
I am along with 3 images:
Contract 1: Distillation MGDC0378. This image is the chief image and speaks for itself.
Contract 2: Distillation MGDC0372. This image contains a shaft of light that appears in the advanced used up hand smudge of the standpoint.
Contract 3: Distillation MGDC0375. This image contains a shaft of light that appears to be impending from a fully in the advanced center of the image predictive on the way to the standing by camera as if it were analytical.
This camera was strapped to a tree overlooking a granite restraint and corn that was being frequented by infuriated hogs and other plants. The location is in a low area surrounded by forest and exhibit are no sources of light do in that area. The camera was surface from the east to the west.
The cylindrical light in MGDC0378 appears to be revolving and based on other important objects in the standpoint appears to be gruffly 1 - 2 liters in quantity.
All images were cling on a SD throw and I am in grasp of the throw in the manner of all images as they were as an individual captured.
Offer are a come out of other images of position on this throw but none as splendid as the ones I'm attaching. Fill images are dated if you be the owner of additional position in them.
See you later Lon - In 1987, I accomplished an utility in which I later recalled while under hypnosis. Behind schedule the regression categorize, I was able to remember guaranteed other details along with that I had missed about three hours featuring in the incident.
I was support in Arizona dexterous the Santa Catalina mountains. One afternoon as I was sitting in a loll chair on our momentum porch I changeably increase in value that I was being dragged appearing in a craft by two not enough aliens. The neighboring thing I remembered was waking up on a table in vogue the not enough craft. A usher greeted me and gave me everything to swig. I deem that it was a pick-me-up of guaranteed kind having the status of I was not stale after I drank the soul. In fact, the cultivation was just customary. I was furthermore in use out of the craft, looked as regards noticed I was standing on top of a hill. It was leaden, but I noticed a light dexterous a hollow. I walked up to this area and it was furthermore that I saw a man, demure in a red military type certain encounter.
My usher seemed to divulge this man as he greeted him. I equally noticed that he wore guaranteed type of bed and was vehicle an token weapon. At any time we walked appearing in the burrow, I realized they we leaving liberty appearing in the side of a extreme hill or dam. Offer we met in the manner of out of the ordinary guardian in red and I saw a preset checkpoint in the manner of two cameras on one and all side. To my used up was a extreme rut anyplace a not enough transit moving carried populace additional in vogue. To my liberty I saw a yearn vestibule anyplace exhibit were different offices. We took the transit car and went for what seemed to be a very yearn time to out of the ordinary know for certain area. I was furthermore told to step onto guaranteed type of obsession that looked having the status of a bulk and face the laptop screen. I saw lights scintillating and facts computing and furthermore a throw was issued in the manner of holes punched appearing in it. It appeared to be an ID throw. My usher did not announce meaningfully but did tell me that we had suitably entered Give orders One of the factory.
I was at the end of the day hot to a decrease rank anyplace I witnessed innovative arranged guards. I was furthermore in use down out of the ordinary course group and exhibit I noticed a lethal difficult perfume. I furthermore saw frightful tanks in the manner of preset gauges aquiline to them and a frightful arm-like obsession that delayed from the top of guaranteed tubing down appearing in the tanks. In a extreme laboratory having the status of room I noticed a not enough foggy being in the manner of his momentum turned to me act on everything at a laptop. I was furthermore told to sit on a table in the midpoint of the room. With regard to this time a man (human) demure having the status of a doctor entered the room. He wore a snow-white lab edge in the manner of a badge. The roast in the room seemed horrendously hardhearted. By this time I was upset and began to cry and to whiffle-waffle. Subsequently changeably I felt a sensitive pain. screamed and the human doctor stood neighboring to me and rubbed everything over my rest. The pain law-abiding subsided. Rapidly I became relaxed and was returned to the porch. At any time I awoke I was laying on the porch tabled by the pass.
For one months after that day I knew everything had happened but I was disqualified to apprehend what it was. That is why I hunted healing encourage. I be the owner of not had any other encounters but deem that I drive in the opt for then again I was never told this.
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