Thursday, June 13, 2013

Ufo Sightings Of July 2012
(Video: Watch this video on the post page)UFO SIGHTINGS OF JULY 2012 however nobody's perfect, and there are bound to be a few videos in here that have been debunked or proven fake. But I ask you, to always keep your mind open. Just because someone has told you the "UFO Sightings" video is fake, or there's a video out there explaining in minute detail why it is, don't let that change your mind about it. Until there is good solid evidence out there that explains why and how the video is a fake stand by your own opinion. Don't let somebody else's opinion overshadow your own.UFO SIGHTINGS OF JULY 2012 // // // ]]>MORE FROM AROUND THE WEB...UFO Sightings: Strange Objects Spotted Across North Devon... Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) sightings have been reported across North Devon, England, with several people claiming to have seen strange objects in the [...]Ten Of The Most Mysterious UFO Sightings - Video - Educating... This is a great composite video of ten of the strangest UFO sightings of all time [...]VIDEO: Reports Of UFO Sightings After Strange Photo At Fullabrook At the time, we contacted Chivenors 22 Squadron search and rescue crew who said they had not had any reported UFO sightings in the area on Saturday, but [...] The post UFO Sightings Of July 2012 appeared first on UFO Sightings TV.


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