Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Smoking Gun Evidence That Says Nasa Fudged Images From Its Curiosity Rover
Yesterday night I was cruising through the downloaded RAW image files posted on NASA's JPL website and i could only rub my eyes to discover what I found. At 5am in the morning when I was able to go to bed, I found these two images that for a moment seemed like there is an object or rock on the martian landscape that has moved from one place to another. This was the Eureka moment for me and I thought it is time to call the press but then I looked a second time and then it occurred to me that the rock has not moved but has been moved by NASA obviously to cover up something in the weird landscape of the picture. My point is NASA claims recently, the curiosity rover is now on autonomous mode and that the RAW images are original pictures so then are we to assume some rocks moved on their own?via B4IN Top 50 Stories Feed


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