Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ufos And Strange Lights Linda Moulton Howe Peter Davenport

JULY 29, 2010-Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe presented new witness testimony in the Rendlesham Forest UFO case, and discussed anomalous lights photographed near crop circles, and an update on honey bee deaths. In a two-segment report, she interviewed Monroe Nevels, who worked as a Staff Sgt. for RAF Bentwaters Disaster Preparedness during the December 1980 UFO incident. "I was told that an airman had been abducted by a spacecraft" from Rendlesham forest, Nevels revealed, speaking on the record for the first time. He detailed his monitoring of low gamma radiation found in the forest soil tripod marks left by the UFO, and noted that trees within the circular radius of the craft were scorched. Nevels also described seeing lights that were like pencil-thin laser beams which could rapidly jump from one location to another.

First hour guest, Peter Davenport, the Director of the Natl. UFO Reporting Center, shared updates. There has been a cluster of dramatic sightings over the last seven weeks-- overt displays of "multiple objects seen over populated areas and witnessed by many people. I don't believe I've seen a phenomenon like that since I started this job 16 years ago," he declared. He also talked about his proposal (PDF file) to use a passive radar system to detect UFOs in real time.

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