Monday, July 23, 2012

Slow Moving Oblong Ufo Observed Over Pigeon Hills Rd Spring Grove Pennsylvania
Date: December 27, 2009Time: 5:45 a.m.Surroundings of Sighting: Pigeon Hills Rd Spring Grove, PA.Person of witnesses: 2Person of Objects: 1Country of Objects: Square.Totality Vindication of Event/Sighting: My dog awoke me at 5:45am. I got up and glanced out the pane and saw an object delight lazily in the sky. I went to the pane and opened it and trapped my head out and saw the object far away clearer. The birth sky was clear and crispy. I listened for a clang and heard a low spiraling hum. The object was about 1000 feet first-class the tree line delight south. The object appeared to bring about 3 prongs slack down from it all lighted afterward ocher, blue green, a variety of red, orangey and white incorporation lights. The object was delight lazily. I jumped in my car and tried to proceed it, by that time it was to far elsewhere to see. But it was self-possessed delight lazily and self-possessed subtitle south. This wasn't a helicopter or an flat. I did see for sure a In the air Saucer sympathy in 1974. That was revolve shape and in the afternoon. That one had a hum clang afterward a far away superior knock. That one I saw passing through binoculars and I was able to see indisputably the dome on top and under and port windows. That was with I lived on the Eastern Seaside of Maryland.Email Brian Vike: v factor paranormal@live.comBrian Vike, Haughty of The Vike Allocate (Taking part in The Fairy-tale)


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